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1000D versus 1100D???


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I can get a 1000D with an IS lens for 370 EUR, and a 1100D without IS for 399. Is IS really worth it for general use (obviously not for astro use)? And is the 1100D a big step up for astro use - I saw somwhere it has lower noise and it goes down to ISO 6400 - not that I imagine such a high ISO would be usable.

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It turns out the 1000D did not have IS, so I went for the 1100D on the basis that it seems to have lower noise. I guess I can always pick up an IS lens. If I recall rightly the 1100D also has one or two more bits of depth to its color channels, but I could be mistaken, and I use Gimp, so it doesn't make a difference anyway.

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I got the 1100d from Bol.com, ordered at 22.15 last night, delivered lunchtime today. Very impressed with them. It's the first time I've even held a dslr - they're so big and heavy (I know mine is actually a light one). I do feel a bit like a cartoon of an American tourist with this big camera in my hands .Sadly the bargain price did not include a memory card so I can't try it out tonight. I also forgot I need a programmable shutter release cable...

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I got an 8 gig memory card for the camera today - apparently it is fast memory (well, faster than the other one on the shelf) and can work from -25 to +85 degrees C. I hope 8 gigs is enough for astro use - 16 or 32 was getting too pricey. The shop guy said it would hold 300 RAW files, which sounds like plenty.

Of course I had a go with the camera in the garden. First of all at 18mm it gives a view about 70 degrees across, so the pictures are like the natural human eye view. My old point and shoot managed about 30 degrees. For example, I finally took some photos of my garden that looked like my garden - before I could only take a picture of (eg) the left hand side of flower bed A...

I also found the macro setting and snapped some spiders and flowers - I haven't uploaded the pics to my PC yet but I feel happy with the results as shown on the viewfinder.

I could get a canon 70-240 IS lens for 240 euros (should be good for nature photography), but I'm getting ahead of myself.

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I've just bought a second hand 1000d and im really loving the BackyardEOS application, it's great. There is a trial you can download. The full app is $24 which isn't much considering how good it is and how much i've spent on other astro stuff. It downloads the images from the camera as they are taken and can put them in nicely labelled folders for you, e.g. "m57-iso800-22c-30sec-10apr11-23:10", so you won't need a memory card to use it. Definately give it a try, it's an awesome piece of software.

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