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first experience of stargazing with a scope


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Well, scope purchased for entry to the world of stargazing with more than my naked eyes and I have experienced what I fear could become a common feeling of frustration as there are clouds everywhere. At least the forecast is clear for my fishing trip at the weekend and the nights are drawing in so there will be more time to look at the heavens.

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second experience went a little better and third will be tonight with a slightly more powerful scope and a the highest point in the forest I live besides. Going to spend the next month or so doing as much as I can and am looking forwards to the moon coming out properly so I can do the checklist thing and learn to identify the different areas. Plus it should be a real clear night when I take the scope carping on Saturday night.

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they are all clear overhead and I have me newly purchased 127eq set up and ready to roll. Not really sure on the purpose of the camera mount behind the view finder other that to give a lcd display of the view finder on the cheap? Already feeling a little bug biting away at me and being a gadget man am wondering about the motor kit and hooking it up to the mac book (osx or windows) to make locating items easier although I do want to be able to locate celestial objects with out the tech first.

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