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Carte du Ciel: adding additional planetary satellites


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Hi, does anyone know if it's possible to add additional planetary satellites into the database in Carte du Ciel?

I know that you can add the orbital elements of things like new comets and asteroids, but they're different as they orbit the sun and it's relatively straightforward. Planetary satellites obviously orbit their parent planet as well as the sun, which needs to be added to the calculation. It's obviously done with the existing database of the major moons, but I'm looking for the lesser moons of Jupiter and saturn.

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Just reviving this thread, as I'd really like to know how to do this and no-one responded first time around.

In CdC you have the option to add new objects by filling in their orbital data, in the 'Asteroid>Add' box in the screenshot below. But I can't find an ephemeris website which shows these parameters precisely. For instance, where on earth do I find the data for 'G slope parameter'? I regularly use HORIZONS Web-Interface to get ephemeris data for comets and asteroids, but I have no idea how to translate this data into something I can pump into CdC.

Can someone help.


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