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Hi Everyone

I am from India, and have a skywatcher goto 127, and having few difficulties to start with

1) I am feeding the posn and time of my place is that correct or should i feed in UK time as the above was brought in UK.

2) When i am trying to do alignment how should i do it.

3) With the above I was provided with 25mm and 10mm eye piece and barrow lens, which one should i used and when.

4) On the tube just where i fit the eyepiece there is one more black knob does that is for focusing.

5) how much the city light effect the viewing.

6) how does the star look like through telescope, i mean does they look bigger much closer or same as naked eye,

I know few of the above question are stupid, but will be glad if someone can help to clarify my doubts,



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The coordinates. time zone and time should all be be entered for your own location. The date should be entered as mm/dd/yyyy and the time in 24hr format. Use this website to find your longitude and latitude Latitude and Longitude of a Point and enter the coordinates in degrees and minutes format.

The 25mm eyepiece will give you a magnification of 50x and the 10mm eyepiece 125x. The barlow lens doubles these magnifications.

The rubber knob at the back of the telescope is the focuser.

Stars will look about ther same size through the telescope but you will see more of them.

You should read the manual carefully before using the telescope so that you understand the operation of the handset and how to align the telescope http://www.skywatcher.com/swtsupport/Instruction_Manuals/GT020609V3-03.05.pdf


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As said the location is where you are, your latitude and longitude.

What concerns me is that skywatchers (as all others do) ask for a time zone, look in the manual for the ones they have and which one you are in. The problem then being that India has a "local" time that is 1/2 hour different. Sorry difficult to put into words.

When it is midday here (UK) then India is 4 1/2 hours ahead at 16:30. I have no idea how the skywatchers handle this (spare) 1/2 hour. Also I guess that India is easily big enough to cover 2 or 3 15 degree timezone from East to West., yet it runs on one single time almost independant of the normal timezoning that other place use.

I would guess that you could have to make a few attempts at getting the timezone and times to make sense. The time that your watch time displays may be unusable to be input when setting up.

If the scope allows for India then hopefully no problems, just not sure that the software is that comprehensive.

Always best to start with the 25mm, simply a wider field of view.

City lights will effect DSO's most, they can simply get washed out and not be visible.

Stars will remain as points, as Peter says when you point it at say Vega you will see Vega as bright and lots of other stars that you initially could not see.

Alignment is whatever the manual says.

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