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Milky way magnitude advice.

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Hi All

Dose anyone know what magnitude the Milky way is ? I have always noticed it more during the summer months despite the lighter skies. I put this down to the high position in the sky. What surprises me is that I notice it at all given the bad LP around my way. I would estimate general seeing and transparency to allow mag 3.5 - 3.75 by naked eye. I know this is going to sound stupid as I can see it but is it correct to say the Milky way is of a similar magnitude. What would be the lowest naked eye magnitude before the MW is no longer visible I guess is what I'm trying to ask. Am I right in saying I can't see it during winter due to the low position in the sky or is it because the air is ?tighter? during the colder months?

Thanks all.

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Don't get me wrong it's not blatantly obvious. This said I can make out the dust lane through Cygnus and watch as it slowly moves around the sky during the night.

same place for me. i have only seen it once from the UK, it was passing through cygnus and a dust lane was visible as it was blocking the light, it was an exceptionally clear night, good 7/10 seeing and transparency and it was just visible, i would have said mag 4.5 for that bit...but it was pretty faint, almost indistinguishable from a high altitude wispy cloud.

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