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Mistake worth making


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Stayed up till 1.20 last night working on a job application only to realize I'd misread the closing date and I had another three days. Glad I did though as the thick blanket of cloud had completely gone by then! Despite a glaring moon I got one of my best nights so far - excellent view of the Double Cluster and managed to properly see the line of really faint stars in Kemble's Cascade - last time I tried it I could only see the cluster and the three brighter stars in an arc.

In a big patch below Andromeda which didn't seem to have many stars in it to the naked eye (NELM was about 4 I reckon) I spotted a smudge of some sort - put the binoculars on it and got a huge bright cluster! 40 stars distinguishable (at a rough guess) with the brightest in a question mark shape. "blumming hell, what's that?" I think. A look at the star atlas and it turns out it's the Pleiades... I'll look forward to them being around a bit earlier in a month or so!


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