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DSLR lenses

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I have a Nikon D70 and when I get my new mount (HEQ5 probably) I want to do some piggy back photography with it. Or even just attach the DSLR to the mount to get some long exposure stuff. I wont be guiding or anything like that.

I currently only have an 18-70mm lens for my D70 but am thinking that I need a longer reach. 200mm maybe? Can anyone recommend any cheap(ish) Nikon lenses that would work well with the D70 for imaging some of the brighter DSO's/galaxies.

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I'd take a look at E-Bay at manual focus lenses Gordon. They tend to be cheaper than the auto-focus ones and you don't need anything fancy for Astro stuff. My AF zoom is dreadful to focus manually as it goes well past infinity as well as being a bit too loose for my liking. Some of the Nikon lenses have ED glass in them. There's a bit more here.


Captain Chaos

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Thanks CC, i'll have a look. i was looking at some of the cheap M42 stuff, but I thought if I stick to the autofocus lenses I can use them for day time shots too. I was tempted by the sigma/tamron 18-200 lenses (as I can't find or afford a nikon 18-200VR) but have heard mixed reviews. I can only assume that for astro stuff they wont have a flat field at all.

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After a day reading reviews and looking at whats available I have placed an order for the Nikon 28-200 lens. It's long enough for astro work and still good enough for day to day stuff. If I can now flog my 18-70 it will make the £200 not seem so painful!

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