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Bad night!


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Out with all the kit last night, fully intending another moon mosaic.

Still problems with the Atik - now displays a red outline for the moon and nothing else!

Thought I'd get the big bins out for a look round instead and they are completely out of collimation! Double image of the moon and stars.

Just brilliant!

Gave up and came in in disgust in the end.

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My night just went wrong.

Decided to challenge the drifting cloud. Hoping for some clear spells.

Nearby security lights in use while dogs in garden. Obviously dogs frightened of dark.

Power cut for a couple of minutes.

Scopes loses datum, take time to sort.

Everyones outdoor floodlights come on 'cos of mains break.

Then another bright light.

Then the clouds came back.

Then the moon came up.

Then the scope was put to bed and the beer came out.

Somewhere in among all of this Albiero and the Ring Nebula looked quite nice. So I won't sell all my kit to buy a big telly just yet.

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Those flipping security lights! :)

The main gripe I have with astronomy is other's light pollution. Very hard to regulate unless you want to fall out with the neighbours. It annoys me more than the weather.

Therefore I vow, as soon as I have transport again, I'll be looking for a dark site for regular observation sessions. I'd rather keep the peace. (I have tried...nicely...)

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