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More Atik help!


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So, I've finally got the Atik 2c to work with Windows 7. I've discovered that you need to plug the two USBs in the right order.

All good so far.

Thought I'd try some simple lunar imaging tonight between clouds which is where the next disaster happens!

All I get is a giant white blob on the capture software screen. I've tried focusing right in and out (I'm using an auto focuser, so have fine control). I've racked the Gain, Gamma, Contrast and Brightness right down, but still no detail. I can see a tiny bit of detail on the moon's very edge - just an edge on crater - which tells me I can get focus, If I could just get more detail than a white blob.

I've tried using SharpCap, wxAstro Capture and K3CCDTools, but no joy with any of them.

I've tried, no filters, two different IR/UV cut filters, a moon filter and putting the end cap back on with just the small cap removed, and all combinations - still just a white blob!


...I put the cheap, SPC900 in, instead of the Atik - beatiful detail straight away. Lovely, sharp crisp detail.

Any hints on what I'm doing wrong at all please? I'm using a SW 200p f5 newt.

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Sounds like over exposure. You need a very short exposure for the moon and planets as they are so bright. The Atik 2x cameras were quite sensitive - especially the 2HS.

What exposure were you running at?

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Try faster - like 30fps. Also turn the Gain down if you have upped it. .... its been many years since I owned a 2HS. Try putting your hand over the top of the OTA or drape a T shirt across it.

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Maybe a near full new moon is just too bright for it?

Would I be better using the Atik for Jupiter/Saturn etc and the SPC900 for lunar?


- TheThing.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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I don't know the capture software systems you've tried but you don't mention exposure time, just frame rate. In IC Capture, which I use with our DMK, you have a separate control for exposure time. In the event of this being a slow value it will, of course, over ride the frame rate you have set so you won't meet the frame rate specified.

It sounds as if you need a software that will allow exposure control. I say this with no knowledge of the camera so this may not be possible. In this case ignore me!


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