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Mobile Plinth for my Skyliner 200P Dob


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Hi there,

After assembling my 200P a few weeks ago, I went for first light. It was quite a clear night and I managed to view Saturn and a couple of doubles. Unfortunately, my back played up and the next morning was walking around like Groucho Marks!

I scope is OK but it's too near the ground.

I scanned through SGL threads and found a few folk had knocked up 3-point jacking rigs which looked good. Since my garden is south facing with a line of trees at the bottom I realised I needed to move around to catch glimpses of interesting views in the gaps between the trees, so I decided I needed something mobile, too.

The attched pics show a mobile plinth made from MDF and 2.5 x 1.5 stuff. The base plate has three out-rigger swivel wheels for stability, one locking. There is a top plate, counterbored to take the feet of the Dob - I replaced the lazy susan bolt with one long enough to go through the top plate as a keeper. An eye bolt is fitted to one of the legs for towing purposes (added after I nearly tipped the rig over).

Seems to work OK (my wife is amused when I tow it around the garden) and will break down easily and fit into my hatchback for when I get the nerve to venture out.

As you can see, I have knocked up a dew guard from a camping mat, as proposed in one of the threads - I plan to make a dew guard for the Telrad from another SGL thread - great site for ideas!!!




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Steve - did you join the "dob users" social group yet? There's loads of ideas in there for dob mods (click link in my signature).

Intriguing looking platform you have there - but I can see the benefits in your tree lined situation :)

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Hi Brantuk - I have joined but didn't know whether to post it there or in the DIY section. I've also viewed some the dob mods threads within the group but need to trawl through for more ideas, thanks!

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Hi Pingster - Yes, being mobile helps a lot. The 200P is portable but found it a bit of a stain moving it around in the dead of night - grunts were likely to disturb the neigbours!

The only downside to the rig is that it's a fixed height - OK so long as I don't grow or shrink - at my age, it's likely to be the latter!

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