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EQ Mod Startup and Shutdown procedure

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It depends on what you are using.....but I power up the kit first, load CDC, hit scope connect button.

Or if using Stellarium/Stellariumscope.....load stellariumscope, tick connect box.

Shutting down is just the opposite of the above....park scope, shutdown software, power off kit.

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I have eqascom_run set to run on windows startup (eqascom_run is a bare bones ASCOM client that is used to keep eqascom running).


1. Power up the observatory PC

2. install battery in my rumblepad

3. Power up the mount (eqascom automatically springs to life will when eqascom_run executes).

4. Unpark from EQASCOM user interface(this reloads my alignment)

5. Fire up CDC and connect to mount.

6. Connect other ASCOM clients as required.

Power down:

1. Park mount

2. Shutdown windows (when eqascom_run is closed EQASCOM closes)

3. Power of PC

4. remove a battery from the rumblepad

5. Power of mount.


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You can have it do that if you wish.

There are options on the points editor screen that allow you to have the alignment model automatically saved on park and/or whenever a new point is added. There is also an option have the alignment model loaded on unpark. Personally I don't use the automatic save option for fear of overwriting an existing good point set with a new one containing a rogue point added in the current session ( so I only save my alignment model manually). I do use the load on unpark option. So, when I unpark my last saved alignment is loaded.


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