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Mount for visual use but with tracking (no goto)


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I'm seeking suggestions for mounts suitable to use for a large-ish refractor (6"/15kg) to use purely as a visual mount.

I'd like some form of simple tracking, or the ability to add simple tracking at a later date.

I am not looking for full-on goto, I am happy to attempt hunting for targets manually.

It would be nice though to turn tracking on to extend the period that the subject was kept in view - I am not after super accurate tracking that keeps the subject centered in the view for hours, maybe just in the viewfinder for 5 or 10 mins at med high mags

I'm looking at quick setup time, so probably want to avoid an eq mount that has to be accurately polar aligned.

I don't know if such a mount even exists, but thought I'd post on here & seek suggestions........

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Sounds to me like you need an EQ5 (or above) mount with at least some form of motorised RA axis:

Skywatcher EQ5 Deluxe

Or, alternatively:

Skywatcher SupaTrak mount and tripod

(though I'm not sure if the latter could handle a 150mm 'scope)

Are you sure about the 15Kg? According to the SkyWatcher website their EvoStar 150 OTA is 5.09Kg and their StarTravel 150 is 6.59Kg.

An EQ mount only really needs accurate polar alignment if you intend to do astrophotography. As you'll be using the mount for observing, simply aligning it with North should suffice as you'd then use the RA control to manually adjust the position of the scope in Right Ascention

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Thank you for your response & suggestion.

I have an nEQ6 which I use for imaging already, so this 2nd mount would be purely for visual use - probably while the imaging train is rattling through the exposures.

........don't think I said the 'scope was a Skywatcher Evostar or StarTravel though......just want to make sure that the second mount was capable of taking something large if required.

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For purely visual and a weighty frac I reckon something like an HEQ5 would be good - you'll need equatorial and polar alignment - doesn't take long to do (mins). If you were imaging with it I'd recommend NEQ6. Here's a good example of a very nice set up along the lines you suggest (6" frac on HEQ5):

Stargazers Lounge - My new mount and scope.

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.......I guess I was thinking more along the TV Gibralter type mount, only with tracking motors.....

.......BUT, going down the SW route might be sensible as I have an NEQ6 handset already (which I don't use, as the nEQ6 is running from a laptop), so I might be able to buy one of the SW mounts without a handset & save a bit of money that way......this visual mount was ideally meant to be a cheap-ish visual solution!

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......I have a small WO 66 'grab n go' that is currently mounted to my photographic tripod with a manfrotto 410 geared head.

It is great - I can just pick it up & drop it down where ever I like to point to a part of the sky & then use the 410 geared head to postion subjects.

.......but if/when I get a bigger scope for visual use, this approach isn't going to work. Hence I was looking for something similar in terms of speed of setting up, but capable of higher payloads & with the potential of the convenience of rudimentary tracking.....

.......maybe the mid range SWers might be the best option, but I don't see them as so quick an easy - closer to what I set up with the EQ6 for imaging, but maybe I just don't have to be anywhere near so accurate......

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It appears that you really need a motorised alt/az mount. A 6" frac would not get into difficult positions which you get with a eq mount. Also no polar alignment. However, the only mount that I know that will fit this requirement is the following. http://www.altairastro.com/product.php?productid=16226&cat=280&page=1

A bit expensive.


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.....that looks interesting Mark........but as you noted, rather costly......

.....but it has triggered a memory I have of seeing another product.......I'll see if I can remember it & find details to post back.

Thanks all so far for your inputs.......but I think the search continues......

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I know that Ioptron make several alt/az mounts. The lowest priced one is called the 'Cube'. I thought about getting one to use with my PST or the William Optics SD66. However, if you want something to carry a big scope like a 6" frac you are talking of lots of money.


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......this is the one you reminded me of Mark:-

Track The Stars

Sadly, I've checked on its price......£4k!!!

I fear you are correct, that there is no 'cheap & cheerful' tracking solution.

.....I know you can now get the SW flexi tube dobs in either manual mount, full goto, or a half way house that seems very sensible to me that offers basic tracking of a subject once you have it in your view (If I were to buy a dob, its the option I'd go for).

.....Maybe there is an opening in an otherwise crowded market place for such a mount for non-dobsonian 'scopes.......

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The iOptron Minitower is also the one I was thinking about in my post. I dont think it is costly for what it is. It is about the same as an equivalent EQ mount, and that seems OK to me. A Gibraltar at £699 for three wooden legs and two hinges is downright ridiculous by comparison and has no options for drives. I do quite like mine but I bought it second hand for not a lot, which is what it's worth to be honest!

I wonder what the women on the forum think of this piece of unreconstructed male chauvinism from Track The Stars; 'Takes up less space and has nice design - your wife will like it.' Up and at 'em, ladies!


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cheers guys.......this has definately given me a few things to think about.

......I'm not in a massive rush, as I have an EQ6 that I can use for visual.....but that means I wont be able to image......

......I know that I am currently increasing on the visual side as I get faster in setting up the imaging side (& then gaining confidence in it to leaving it to do its thing).....& that for visual with the little WO 66, my photographic tripod & 410 head is sufficient (& quick & light).

.......what is an unknown, is that if/when I get a bigger scope, how much will want to use it for visual while separately imaging with other lesser kit......I suspect that I'll want to use my best kit for imaging & will only use the big scope for visual if there are too many clouds around......in which case a second big mount is not so necessary.......I don't think I am going to spend £1k on another mount just for occassional visual......maybe a cheaper 2nd hand eq5 with motors maybe something to seek out in future & not worry about accuracy of polar aligning - just preset lattitude & put it down pointing North will be enough for what I want.

Anyway, thanks to all who have responded - much appreciate your time.

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