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Standard palette for planetary sketching?


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I paint a bit with watercolours and oils, landscapes mainly, and I have a standard palette of colours for this:

Yellow Ochre

Cadmium yellow pale

Cadmium red

Alizarin crimson

French ultramarine

Windsor blue (red shade)

Hooker's green (dark)

Payne's grey

Do any of you planetary sketchers have a standard palette for Mars, Saturn and Jupiter?

I would like to have a go at planetary sketching so I need some pencils for this.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I have dabbled at sketching Mars (and Jupiter to a lesser extent) for a number of years, and have found that what works best for me is to do a graphite sketch at the eyepiece, then to make a colour sketch from the monochrome version as soon as possible afterwards (before I forget what the colours were!) I use a range of coloured pencils and build up 'mixed' colours on the sketch itself by adding very light layers of individual colours with a gentle scribbling motion. Here are a couple of drawings to show the results. I used standard colour pencils from a range of manufacturers - they were just pencils that I'd had kicking around for years! I use a deep red (like Alizarin crimson), a light brown (similar to raw sienna), a pure purple (violet?), pale blue (somewhat like a Cerulean blue), a deeper blue (Ultramarine), orange (similar to Cadmium orange), and a deep green (I haven't a name for this one as I tend to mix my greens when using watercolour). Sketch dates/times are:

2008_01_16, 19:30-20:05 UT

2008_01_16, 22:15-22:40 UT

Both sketches have been electronically flipped to correct orientation.

Hope this helps.

All the best,



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