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Should I consider an Obsy?

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Hi all,

I've approached the Mrs with the idea of me building/ buying an observatory to house all my kit and hopefully reduce set up/ alignment and clear up time when the clouds allow and give me more time doing the enjoyable bit more of viewing & imaging. I know that the obs would be a no brainer if I where able to plonk it right in the middle of my nice lawn to the back of the house as that is where I currently set up giving me decent views both East & West, limited to above my house for the view South but no view North apart from the polar star luckily. Unfortunately, (and I can see her point), it would ruin the whole garden which we only had landscaped professionally 5 years ago!

I have the option of situating an obs adjoining the West wall of the side of my house therefore giving me no East view at all but giving me more view South as I would no longer have the house in the way to look over, I would also have a view North due to the neighbours house at the back of my property no longer obstructing the view to the North and NW, however, this lack of view to the East, NE & SE has me wondering if it would be worthwhile considering the build/ purchase?

Your opinions/ thoughts & advice would be very welcome :)

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It's very difficult to advise anyone if they should or shouldn't take the leap and build an observatory as everyone's circumstances are different, including the type of design and exactly what you are looking to build. Yes a 16' x 10' ROR design with an external warm room would probably be a blot on the garden landscape, but there have been some clever designs where a smaller build is hidden with trellis work, or other construction and fits in quite well.

For me I got the best of both worlds as I got the position just where I wanted it and as our garden is in need of a make over there was nothing to spoil :) May I suggest you post up a few pictures of the garden and alternative positions together with the obstructions. This will at least allow some objective comemnts

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get the obsy set up on the west facing side, you could always have a grab and go ready if the was something in the east you want to view.

I would say you are gaining more than you are loosing having it on the west facing side.

why not try setting up in the location you are thinking of building and compare??

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I have a very small garden (9m x 11m) so an observatory is not possible. I am considering setting up a pier instead. Then I only have to mount the scope but alignment won't be an issue.

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Thanks guys,

Some great ideas there to think about.

malc-c, unfortunatly I've recently returned to work and won't be able to post any pics for the forseable sadly.

Psychobilly, I'll have a go at the Stellarium idea while I'm away, thanks for the suggestion.

Nillchill, another good idea, next time I get chance to set up I will do just that and see how it goes.

Ags, I have thought about a pier but again it would have to interupt existing lawned area and don't think it would suit.

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In stellarium you just set the time to a "Convenient" viewing time (1 am will basically be dark all year round at lower UK latitudes) pause the clock and use the + and - keys to jump forwards and backwards by 1 day at a time...

How about a dual use Pier/ Bird table / Sundial / Sculpture maybe? A BBq cover is handy for a quick cover over is the weather changes...and if you alarm the kit then it can be lef thtere and stripped down in daylight...

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