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Sh2-101 Tulip Nebula in HST palette


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I have been making the most of the clear nights recently to get some imaging time in. This is one subject that I have never tried before but it is a very nice target to do in Cygnus and responds well to narrow band if you are prepared to put the time into it, it is quite a faint subject which is probably why it tends to be ignored as an imaging target.

This was taken over three nights and is 6x30 minutes per channel using 5nm Ha, OIII and SII filters. I used the FSQ106ED at f5 with a Starlight Xpress SXVF H9 on a Paramount ME. Auto guiding was taken care of by a Lodestar and OAG using dithering.

The raw frames were callibrated and stacked and colour combined in Maxim DL using a weighting factor of 5:1:7 for SII:Ha:OIII (the OIII was particularly weak for this subject), after doing a gamma stretch with a 0.1 value and saving to 16 bit tiff it was transferred to photoshop where a couple of iterations of curves was used followed by several minor 'S' shaped curves. I will probably add some more data at a later date

A full size image can be found at the following link

Sh2-101 Tulip Nebula in HST palette photo - Gordon Haynes photos at pbase.com

Thanks for looking

Best wishes



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