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Great to hear the last one in stock turned out to be A OK. Prepare for a long night if you do get clear skies as Jupiter comes up early in the morning. Doesn't really get high enough to be at it's best but you will still get to see what a 250PX can do. When you go to ASDA keep an eye out for some original turtle wax to polish up those Teflon pads to make the movements a little more forgiving. :)

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Already done the teflon pads with turtlewax spaceboy;) i was sure i read it somewhere and deffinatly didnt think it could hurt. Im really enjoying the movement of the dobsonian mount, just so much freedom!!:)

Unfortunatly i have a 6 foot wall infront of where jupiter is rising, also i live on a hill at the bottom where its rising at the top so i dont think i will be able to see it for some time yet:( but when i can finaly see it it will be much higher in the sky:)

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It's not brilliant where it sits before the sun comes up anyway so no real loss. This time of the year the scopes are best pointed straight up anyway. Plenty still to see but sadly only for 3-4 hrs at max between darkness and dawn:crybaby2::)

Hope the skies stay clear for you.


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Thanks spaceboy:) the skys are clear atm but its been a hot day and they look kinda hazy:( hopefully come 11.30pm it will clear abit.

How long cooldown time do you think my scope needs? and should i leave the protective cover of when doing this? when star testing last night i noticed what almost looked like heat waves passing across the star-im not sure if it was down to atmospheric conditions or the scope not being propely cooled down? i couldent quite get perfect focus on vega.

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The PX is reasonably good for cooling down. I have a fan mod on mine as I'm impatient. It all depends on the temperature your bringing the scope from and what into. Summer times are shorter as inside and out side temperatures are close as people have windows open etc and subsequently the times will be a lot shorter.

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