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Telescope Storage

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Just purchased a skywatcher 200pds and would like to get a case for it if there is such a thing. I am going to keep it in a shed so is there any thing I can buy to keep the moisture out, would a plastic vacuum bag do the trick?

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think you might struggle for a case, unless you make your own.

I keep my dob in the shed with the ota sitting in it, i then put over it a plastic cover, the type you cover your washing line up with, keeps the dust of a treat, i also keep those silcon bags that come with it and pop one by the mirrors, should keep any damp at bay.

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A good item to have is " indicating silica gell " ( think that's spelt correct ) .Unlike the normal bags of silica , this stuff tells you when to pop it in the oven to recharge/ dry out and can be reused time and again. You'll probably find that supplied bags that come with equipment are unable to absorb any more moisture. If you do a google search there are quite a few suppliers.

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You could probably get a Peli case that would do the job - they are airtight and can survive several metres below water - but I suspect the cost for one of the required size would pay for several decent OTAs.

I also intend keeping mine in my shed (which is appropriately locked and alarmed).

I've bought a secure toolbox of the type used in work vehicles - http://www.sentribox.com/eng/xlock-vanboxes.php(Sentribox - it will take all my gear and will also fit in the back of my 4x4. I can secure it to cargo hooks in the car and bolt it to the shed wall / floor so I expect it to help satisfy insurance requirements. I will wrap the gear to protect it from the elements, use silica gel and cover the sentribox with a tarp - hopefully that will do the job.

I bought a Peli case clone from halfords - (High Impact Case Large Free Delivery : Flight Rugged Cases : Maplin - and my HEQ5 fits snugly into that. The OTA already has a good transit case and both cases fit easily into the sentribox along with my tripod so I reckon all should be well.

The sentribox / maplins case and sundries cost about £300. My gear is worth about £2500 so I reckon it was well worth it but it will obviously be a matter of personal choice taking gear value and insurance risks etc. into account.

Just some ideas that might be of some value.

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