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Late nights


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Well last night I was looking to take the telescope out but as usual the clouds ruined it but there was also something else that I never considered, daylight!!.

When staying up last night to see if the clouds cleared I go to around about 00:45 before i headed off to bed but even at that time the western sky was still not dark although the rest of the sky was fairly dark about 11, at a guess I think it would start getting light again around about 4am.

There must be people further north that just have to forget about our hobby during the summer due to having no night sky to look at!

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The sky doesn't get dark at this time of year. As you say further north they basically just don't bother as it is predominently twilight and not dark for about 3 months of the year.

I read a post elsewhere of someone who had booked themselves a week at the Galloway Dark Sky place for late May/early June and was going observing. Everyone wished them good luck, no-one said it won't be dark.

I think that from May to July you will find observing time very restricted.

More dark time as you go South, so little better if you live in Southern England.

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