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C11 XLT vs C11 Edge

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It's optics at the end of the day isn't it Karlo?

IIRC, the Edge has an aplantic system like the newer Meades so it's coma free but also has a built in flattener for a flat field. I think there's also a mirror lock and some vents for cooling too so it's a fair step up, whether it's worth the extra is down to you I guess... I think the main gripe so far is that Celestron have made what appears to be pretty decent scope for imaging but there hasn't been a reducer released yet so IMO, it's spannered by that a little.

Of course if you're looking to move the 715 on, you know who to ask first :)....


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You get field corrected for coma and field curvature (coma only in ACF), vent holes and mirror locks. However Celestron forgot about dedicated focal reducers for the EdgeHD (there are some Optec Lupus, but hard to get and little info on them) - that's one of reasons why GSO/AstroTech RC got much more popular for imaging.

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Don't you just wish for more "try before you buy" ?? sigh

speaking of which Tony I'll let you know :)

It's a massive hike tho ! RVO have an offer of 1500.00 inc VAT, but another 2K on top ??? The shame is you just know they'll phase the C11 xlt out in favour of the Edge, it's whether I can stand the wait :)

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Cheers bud :), I'm guessing this is for more solar system imaging, if so then I guess the Edge isn't a huge draw for you being that it's on axis perforance that you're looking at rather than a fully corrected, flat field.


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Have to say, that's a pretty nice price for a C11! I'm mulling over doing a season just imaging and observing solar system objects and I'm assuming a C11 is well regarded in that arena yes?


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I'd happily settle for a Intes 803 10" F10 deluxe :hello2:, but a C11 is more likely to show up and cheaper !:)

Yes Tony I was thinking more lunar/planetary rather than go back down the guiding /DSO route :)

the other big advantage Tony is I won't have to change my mount/pier top either, HEQ5 would be okay for my needs with the C11

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I'd happily settle for a Intes 803 10" F10 deluxe :), but a C11 is more likely to show up and cheaper !:)

Yes Tony I was thinking more lunar/planetary rather than go back down the guiding /DSO route:eek:

Mmm an 803 would be lush, but not excatly common are they? Still, it's a lovely thought...


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Just regreased the focuser mechanism over the weekend and cleaned the menisiscus too- thought I'd recollimate the scope too, took about 1hr but soooo sweet when you're three metres away in line with the CO and get your magnified eye appearing next to the CO and see your iris (!!) , just as it disappears behind the CO you see all the rings come into line beautifully concentric. It's like having your own spiritual Solar eclipse ! :):)

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Just regreased the focuser mechanism over the weekend and cleaned the menisiscus too- thought I'd recollimate the scope too, took about 1hr but soooo sweet when you're three metres away in line with the CO and get your magnified eye appearing next to the CO and see your iris (!!) , just as it disappears behind the CO you see all the rings come into line beautifully concentric. It's like having your own spiritual Solar eclipse ! :):)

Oooh you tease you!!


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yeah well sorry Tony, but when you read people stating that it almost impossible to collimate a Rumak you have to wonder :) Fair enough it took abit longer than last time but I really do think I've creamed it this time even without star-testing yet. Everything lines up beautifully from both sides- you know that feeling you get when you intuitively know it's right well ......spot on! I'll be surprised if I need to touch anything now. This scope really delivers and I can't wait till mid to late August when I can finally put all the recent changes together and point it all at Jupiter. I recall the "WOW" when I saw what it could do with the Lumenera cam last September, so with the flea it should be wet my pants time :hello2::)

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I reviewed the Edge 11" about a year ago and the views through it were sublime, the build quality great and the little extras like mirror lock and cooling vents simply added up to a very desirable instrument but it is a great shame that no reducer has materialised yet.

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:) sounds like you aren't moving the 715 on just yet then!! Talking of which and changing the subject completely, if you could pass on some of your wisdom here I'd be grateful :): http://stargazerslounge.com/imaging-discussion/144159-camera-scope-combo-solar-system-imaging.html .


I'm flattered , I still consider myself a newbie :hello2:. I'll have a think and a root about and get back to you Tony:icon_salut:

"Sublime " Steve, that's stating some , umm something to hang on and save for then ??Wait for a 2nd hnd offer? ( be a long wait )

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This talk of lack of reducers for the Edge has me confused.

Why would you spend £4K on a F10 scope and then more on a reducer, why not buy a F6.3 scope in the first place?

I'm sure there's something basic I'm missing here.

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This talk of lack of reducers for the Edge has me confused.

Why would you spend £4K on a F10 scope and then more on a reducer, why not buy a F6.3 scope in the first place?

I'm sure there's something basic I'm missing here.

Meade made an F6.3 SCT a long while back, and you occasionally see them come up for sale. They have a very large central obstruction though, which is one reason why they didn't catch on.

I can't comment directly on the C11, but the views through my Edge 11 knock the views I had with my 14 inch LX200 into a cocked hat....just much crisper.

Imaging wise, there's no comparison...flat as a pancake right to the edge of the FOV with a 500D.

I've just got an Astrophysics 0.67 reducer that isn't also a field flattener for it, but haven't had a chance to try it yet due to work and the fact that my obsy is being rebuilt over the summer.

I did try a standard Celestron 0.63x reducer/flattener, but, as expected, the use of a flattener on a scope that's already flattened resulted in bad field curvature.

I did consider one of the GSO RC's, but decided against it in the end due to the fact that I'd be stuck with diffraction spikes, whether I wanted them or not, whereas with the Edge I have the choice of adding them in processing, or not.


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Shame you're so far away Rob, else I'd be knocking on yer door for a butchers !! but good to hear a personal perspective.

Never been tempted to do a little planetary?? that's not a euphemism for anything either ! :)

PS Tony , if you read this, I took the scope out last night to Star-test, perfect night for it !! I think the neighbours must have thought I'd found a hidden hoard the way I was cackling and whooping as soon as I put my eye to the EP. Shame I didn't have a cam hooked up. the rings either side were perfect and on focus -classic Airy rings!! Not at all bad for " bench" collimation :)



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