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Electronic focusers

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I have asked this at the end of another post but it might be getting missed so I thought id start a new topic

Can anyone recommend a good make, I know skywatcher do one but do not know what it is like. Also really looking for one that would still allow me to focus manually if I desired.

Any thoughts people



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Chubs, just for information, the Skywatcher one that I have doesn't let you turn the knob manually normally. If you don't tighten the grubscrews onto the shaft fully you can, but after a bit they get too loose and the electric bit stops working. You need one with some kind of clutch system - now there's a thought. ( CC trots off to look in some catalogues )

I'll be watching this thread, especially if there's one to fit an ED80 Crayford type focuser out there.

Captain Chaos

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