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Connecting my pier adaptor to a metal pier - Bolts?

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I have just received a great pier top adaptor for my HEQ5 mount from Gary (a member on here) - It is a fantastic piece of kit. Anyway, I am looking at getting a metal pier made at about 7 inches in diameter - So it will be larger than the adaptor. So, the adaptor has 4 bolt holes drilled in it - How do I connect it to the pier when I get it?

The pier is in it's planning stage, but I am not planning on having any form of plate on the top and just attach the adaptor to the top of the pier. How do I bolt it onto the pier when I have no access to the inside. I have looked at through bolts, but they all seem to be for bolting into concrete or masonary. Are there metal through bolts? Or can I use the concrete ones for connecting metal to metal?

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The issue I have (I think - As I understand it) is that I am not going to know exactly where to put the holes for fixing until the adaptor has been aligned then I'd drill the holes - Or am I just being a girl and missing the point altogether?

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I'm obviously missing something here.. there are goign to have to be holes in the top plate for you to those as well in which case they might as well just thread them if the plates thick enough (6-8mm min thickness would be OK to take an M10-M12 thread although 10mm would be better.. )

You could also think about using radial slots in the base of the pier to allow for a bit of adjustment in Azimuth...

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I'm sure I'm being a total plank ..... I was going to get a centre hole drilled in the pier top in order to get a rough alignment, then i'd drill the holes myself in the correct place - the pier has been bolted to the floor already at this stage. So I was wondering how I connect to the holes I had just made.

Perhaps though, this isn't the way and I am being a right ninny!!

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I have always drilled through the baseplate to locate the fixing bolts.. if you are confident they are never going to have to come out the chemical bonded ones are superb... and they can always be ground off flush...

Let the "metal bashers" do all the fiddly stuff...


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Do as you planned and get the Pier built with a centre hole drilled and a M10 thread 'tapped' into it.

Then, do you're rough alignment and drill the 3 remaining holes. If you drill them 9mm you will then be able to buy a 10mm 'tap' and tap wrench for a few £'s and then tap the thread into the other 3 holes.

There is nothing to it really, if you need any more info give me a shout.... :)


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