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Help Helios Telescope

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If it's d = 130mm then it's a 5.1 inch rather than a 6". Do you have a link to the scope ?.

The Helios scopes were chinese rather than russian, unless this is a different one.

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As far as I understand after a friend told me his was Helios and needed help on it, they're the same maker as Celestron/Skywatcher - which I saw when I saw it, being as it was a 150/f900 newtonian on a EQ3-2.

Might be better looking at skywatcher at FLO than on ebay

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They are not the best design of scope to be honest. To squeeze the long focal length into a short tube they use a short focal length primary mirror and a correcting lens at the bottom of the eyepiece drawtube. This makes them very difficult to collimate using the conventional tools like a cheshire eyepiece or a laser collimator.

If it was very cheap then it could be some fun I guess (like less than £50) but personally I'd be looking out for a conventional 130mm newtonian with a parabolic mirror.

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