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So that's why they're called 'Fuzzies'


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A night of firsts

First viewing of a meteor through a scope, nothing much different than with the naked eye but it went right across my FOV ;)

First view of a DSO well at least i think it was a Fuzzie as thats what it looked like even with my 6.5mm on my 6" newt. I was actually looking for M13 but having come back in and checked on Stellarium I was off the mark :eek: but it was in Hercules no idea what it was but it was fuzzy and stayed fuzzy no matter what I threw at it.

What a night! and to think this is before my c9.25 is up and running oh boy I am going to have soooo much fun tomorrow night :):D:D

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Great isn't it? M13 was my first (and still only ;)) DSo last week. Well done!

I had the scope pointed at Saturn and while it was in the middle of my FOV

suddenly something flashed through the FOV very fast. Comet, debris, whatever

but it's the 4th time in 2 weeks it happened and it literally makes

you jump because you don't expect it :)

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thank you.

Oh yeah i'm with you on making you jump. I didnt know whether to look up at the sky track or what....needless to say I was in such a 'panic' i did nothing and it was gone ;-)

Great feeling though.

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