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A quick flocking question

starship trooper

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hi there,

I brought some of this fab foam from hobby craft HobbyCraft Fab Foam 45cm by 30cm Sheets - HobbyCraft Arts and Crafts Supplies Online Shop to make a dew shield for my sw 200pds and was wondering if it would be ok to use to flock the ota?

Do pds need flocking?

I have also been reading this write up about flocking http://www.urania.be/forum/download.php?f=1&file=baffling.pdf and it was saying about the main areas to flock and one was around the primary cell to stop stray light enter around the sides of the cell so i was wondering if i cut a big circle to go behind the cell would that be ok and not hamper the cells cooling?

Also because the fab foam isnt already got adhesive on it what could i use to stick it to the ota ?

All help appreciated cheers dazz:icon_scratch:

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