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To Send or Not To Send... Light Polluted Startrail


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At a bit of a lose end I decided to Shoot a "light polluted" startrail with my obs inthe foreground...

Do I risk sending it to the council lighting department.. just incase they ask me to demolish the obs...?

The image is an hours worth of 20s subs... I have two LP Sodium street lights basically level with the obs about 20 feet away from it one to the north and one to the west..



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Perhaps I should leave it a couple more years and then the Statute of Limitations on Planning Permission will apply....

I mocked it all up Photoshop and did the "show and tell" with the neighbours before building.. because the only place i could get any decent view of the skies was the corner of the front lawn...

The LP filters are coping well with the old LP sodium lights and seeing as they are on a couple of bends in the road then they are unlikely to offer do much in the way of shading anyway ... :)

For Visual they are a PITB... yes that's right I used the V word... I'll be talking about EP's next... at least I dont need a torch to setup or look at the star atlas...

Kev I guess you Pro spec kit will be fine... cant wait to see some pics...


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