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  1. I've played a few Höfners - The 500 was nice, but the Verythin was really superb. Bit like scopes - there's loads out there and most are great fun!
  2. Thanks! Shuker Uberhorn Fretless - the top is African Blackwood. Kinda feel it matches the TV for build quality and style
  3. Obligatory ADM saddle upgrade for the GTI. I just need to actually get a lightweight scope to use on it now 😂
  4. If you’re really unlucky your package might suffer cloud inversion
  5. Looks great, and indeed very lightweight!
  6. I’d be more concerned about rust on my primary tbh!
  7. What the heck kind of Bahtinov Mask is that???
  8. So long as the prize isn't a newtonian tube made out of granite...!
  9. That’s for making Newtonian tubes out of solid granite..
  10. Postie delivered a new mount. Used but great condition AZ GTI plus extension pillar. Feels really solid on my 055b tripod. All I need now is a lightweight second scope to attach to it as the NP101IS is too lardy and destined for the GM811G
  11. Sawn off telescopes... hand grenade eyepieces... what have I entered in to?!
  12. Dunno - but you have to keep it refrigerated apparently.....!
  13. I can't add much to the suggestions, but I did find it amusing that you're considering the first two eyepieces I bought when getting back into the hobby. 24 Pan came first then the 3-6 Nagler Zoom. I bought the 24 Pan because I borrowed one 20 odd years ago first time round and absolutely loved it. And I'm doing so again now. The 3-6 Zoom was purchased for the flexibility of getting the best magnification for the seeing conditions. In my NP101is it gives 90x - 180x which is pretty flexible for a session observing Jupiter/Saturn etc. I'm sure there's cheaper alternatives but I do really like these two eyepieces though, and they complement each other well - in case you wanted an opinion from someone who has both
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