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andrew s

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Everything posted by andrew s

  1. I like this from William Blake: "To see a World in a Grain of Sand And a Heaven in a Wild Flower, Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand And Eternity in an hour." Regards Andrew
  2. If the Universe is spatially infinite then it always was infinite and this is the case in the currently accepted concordance LCMD model. If you think of @vlaiv grid then it always extended to infinity. What is changing is the distance between the dots. This is called metrical expansion. Regards Andrew
  3. I have no idea what Newton actually thought but his theory is one in which space and time can be coordinated with a Euclidean geometry. In retrospect I was reflecting the modern view of Newtonian spacetime rather than his. I am not familiar with Westfall but I know his absolute spacetime was challenged at the time from many angles but its success at predicting the motion of the planets rather confounded them. Even Einstein's formulation of Special relativity and General Relativity along with Bohr's quantum mechanics are now seen as outdated. It reminds me that what we think of as fixed changes and morphs with time. The idea of the election of JJ Thompson in 1897 is very different to that of QED. This thread has weak anti-parallels with Plato and his theory of forms. From Wiki "The theory of Forms or theory of Ideas is a philosophical theory attributed to Plato, that the physical world is not as real or true as timeless, absolute, unchangeable ideas." Regards Andrew
  4. Newton viewed space and time as absolutely (the same for all observers) Einstein viewed them as relative (different for observers in motion with respect to each other) however, both are geometry. They are models, useful representations in different circumstances. No fabric to rip or weave just a branch of mathematics. In this sense the physicists spacetime is as real or unreal as the mathematicians pi. Philosophy has dined out for decades on debating what terms like real and nothing mean without any accepted progress. Regards Andrew PS how can nothing be contained by anything? For if it could it would be the something contained by the anything and so not nothing any more.
  5. I already answered that. It doesn't look like anything 😕 Regards Andrew
  6. Lets keep it simple. Following Einstein, time is what a clock measure and keeps everything from happening at once. Space is what a rulers measure and stops everything being in the same place. No clock no time, no ruler no space and no clocks or rulers no space time. Regards Andrew I will refrain from trying to debunk the misunderstanding about light, photons and time etc. Life is too short and I have flies to catch using the Mr Miyagi chop stick method.
  7. They are thought to exist inside a black hole. Depending on the size of the hole you could pass the event horizon without noticing anything untoward. It is belived that black holes can have charge as well as mass and spin. So at least the EM field and the gravitational field exist. Regards Andrew
  8. Yes that's the pop science model the man himself gave. However, you won't find it in his published peer reviewed papers. The issue I was pointing out in your initial post on this was the energy came from the mass of the black hole not the vaccum. Maybe I miss understood. Regards Andrew
  9. The issue is these are pop science terms, often used by serious scientists, to try to make modern physics approachable to those without the mathematical background for the real thing. For example "virtual" this and that normally stand for particular elements in an perturbative expansion of the equations of QFT. They are not "real" any more than the terms in the expansion of sin(x) are real. Energy can be negative depending on where you decide to put the zero point. For gravity its typically set at zero an infinite distance from a mass. If you have a test mass at infinity and move it towards a real mass it gains negative energy! However, energy is bounded from below as if not atoms would not be stable and we would be nothingness. Regards Andrew
  10. Yes, in quantum field theories QFT they extend throughout all space and time. In these theories there are creation and annihilation operators that add or remove excitations. Once all excitations have been removed you can go no further and get the vaccum state. GR is somewhat different as it a classical theory defined on all of spacetime. But yes is the short answer. Regards Andrew
  11. This is still a much debated topic. It can be explained perfectly well by other models. For example van der Waals forces. See her for an example https://www.physicsforums.com/threads/jaffes-take-on-casimir-force.68169/ Regards Andrew
  12. One must be careful not to mistake the thing for a representation of the thing. Nothingness (say empty space) could be represented as awash with quantum fields or a canvas rendered in deepest black. We can in various ways see the representation (mathematical equations or paint) even if not the thing in itself. Come on Plato time for you to step up with your forms. 😊 such fun. Regards Andrew
  13. Not quite even if one accepts this view on vacum energy. Hawking's radiation creates real particles with the energy for them taken from the gravitational energy of the black hole. Regards Andrew
  14. It seems to me we are all using "nothing" or "nothingness" to mean differt things. Is it empty space, a state of consciousness or whatever floats your boat. Not only that "looks like" is also being interpreted in different ways. Linguistic philosophers would be pulling their hair out. Not necessarily a bad thing in my book. To steal their mantra it depends what you mean by... No wonder I abandoned philosophy as mostly worthless. Regards Andrew
  15. Nothing by definition doesn't look like anything. Regards Andrew
  16. The image of a star formed by a telescope is not a point but a diffraction pattern created by the optics of the telescope. It's called the point spread function. It's central bit is similar to a gaussian function. The longer you expose the more the wings of the function get above the noise so the apparant diameter of the star increases. Star bloat. Atmospheric seeing can also spread out the image as can wind gusts. Regards Andrew
  17. For any reasonable system the damping due to the inertia of the mount/telescope system should put any drive induced blurring well below the seeing psf. Regards Andrew
  18. There are many types of interferometer. If you mean the Zygo type used by OO then they have some info on there site. In general the shorter wave length gives a more detailed picture so green is better than red. There are some subtle issues in their use for example how any off axis illumination is accounted for but they should give a fair picture of an optics quantity if not deliberately played. Other methods tend to be more subjective and depend more on the skill of the observer (and their prejudice). Regards Andrew
  19. As @vlaiv said dark matter has a normal positive gravitational effect. In GR the simplest explanation of dark energy is the Lamda in Lamda CMD. That is a very small residual curvature of space time. As we don't have a theory of quantum gravity it is difficult to relate "vacuum " energy and dark energy. Attempts to do give a miss match by 100s of orders of magnitude. Regards Andrew
  20. The BAA have a post https://britastro.org/forums/topic/8-celestron-schmidt-film-camera that the British Antarctic Survey are giving away an 8" Schmidt Camera. Oh how I dreamed of having one in my youth. The precursors to the RASA line they are now obsolete but what engineering with invar cage to keep focus and magnetic curved plate holder. You can keep your Takahashi toys 😊 this was the real deal. Regards Andrew
  21. Hi @vlaiv, interesting idea. Have you worked out the effective torque? That might be an issue for slewing. Regards Andrew
  22. Indeed brilliant and I am not normally one to comment on images unless they are outstanding. Regards Andrew
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