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Everything posted by bosun21

  1. bosun21

    Hi :)

    Hi 👋 welcome to SGL
  2. Congratulations Peter. I’ve been following this thread closely as I’m in the same boat you found yourself in. I already have two scopes and now want to have a go at AP. I took on board the mount being stressed over and over again, therefore I’m getting ready to buy myself a HEQ5 pro. I can then look at the scope to buy. Good luck in your endeavors Peter 👍
  3. The route i took with my Eyepiece journey was somewhat circumvent. I initially replaced the no name 10mm at the same time I bought the first of my two scopes with a 9mm Celestron Omni. The short eye relief nudged me onward to a set of the BST Starguiders (minus the 3.2mm). I then added several Explore Scientific 82 degree and a few ultra flat field 65 & 70 degree topped off with a Baader Hyperion Zoom and a couple of Nirvana’s.I can honestly say that the BST Starguiders are a fantastic eyepiece for the price, and punch way above it’s weight. FLO still have them at £49 so they are just inside your budget. To me eyepieces are the candy of astronomy, such that I always want to taste another flavor even though my teeth are falling out (wallet). Clear skies and good luck 👍
  4. Welcome back to the Stargazers Lounge 👋
  5. He was using a collimation cap not a Cheshire/ Sight tube and he was asking how to position the secondary back into place.
  6. When I first tackled the collimation procedure I found it an immense help if I placed a yellow card in the tube blocking the reflection from the primary mirror and a sheet of white paper behind the focuser. This allowed me to focus on the secondary alone without (at that time) the confusion of reflections in both mirrors. This will allow you to centre the secondary and get the tilt close by getting a nice perfect circle. Try this to get a better handle on your wayward secondary mirror
  7. If this is the telescope you are talking about you should be aware that it is basically a kids telescope. Saying that even with a kellner eyepiece you should be seeing a single image of the moon. Check that the main lens in the front of your telescope is sitting square and secure (no movement). Also give the eyepieces a gentle shake to make sure that there’s no loose lens. Sometimes the QC isn’t up to standard.
  8. My concern is that it’s from China and the seller has a feedback score of 1 ! These two things tell me to leave alone.
  9. Hi 👋, welcome to SGL
  10. In your first image your secondary is not central to the focuser. It needs moving towards the primary until it’s central. This is done by turning the centre screw on the secondary Anti clockwise.
  11. Thanks to all who replied to my query. I’ve decided to go for the ROR for any of the heavier soiling, and the Zeiss moistened lens wipes for any light marks or dirt. I have also ordered a healthy supply of organic Q tips and fine multi fiber cloths.
  12. I just noticed that on several of my eyepieces i have what appears to be a greasy oily film forming on my eyepieces with a shorter eye relief. This is obviously from my eyelashes making contact with the glass. I have all the relevant cleaning equipment, soft brush, blower, microfiber cloths etc. What is the best cleaning fluid to use? I’ve got both Zeiss and ROR in my basket and just wanted to check that there’s not a better option. Thanks
  13. Be careful where you use the laser. Airports and flight routes etc.
  14. I’d prefer my money to go towards better optics quality rather than on a mount that is included with the binoculars
  15. Don’t remove the mirrors. Turn the telescope upside down to ensure that the cuttings, swarf fall out of the tube. Just drill carefully and blow any loose cuttings away.
  16. Hi 👋 Veronica, welcome to SGL
  17. Read the review from the binoculars expert. It’s good to look at the moon without any noticeable CA https://binocularsky.com/reviews/Pentax_SP_20x60.pdf
  18. The FOV is more than adequate for astronomy, and the eye relief is great. With the twist up eyecups in the mid position you can see the full FOV with glasses on. HTH
  19. I was initially looking for a pair of 20x80’s as i wanted a little bit more magnification than my new Opticron 15x70 were giving me. In the end I went for the Pentax WP 20x60’s. I lost a little with the FOV but I didn’t mind. The quality is excellent and the clarity is great edge to edge. Then again this is the quality that we have become accustomed to with Pentax. Great value for the money
  20. Hi 👋 welcome to the lounge and I am from Oxford also
  21. Email my order number directly to FLO or to SGL?. Thanks 😊
  22. There you go. It’s a well made and sturdy case.
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