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Everything posted by LondonNeil

  1. Wide field and mak don't really go, but still a useful observation!
  2. I'm thinking of upgrading the basic diagonal on my mak127. Does anyone have any experience with: https://www.firstlightoptics.com/diagonals/stellamira-1-25-90-di-electric-diagonal.html?_gl=1*qpwke4*_up*MQ..*_ga*MTU0MDQyNjA1NC4xNzEyNzkwMDgx*_ga_F6VGWQ0MW9*MTcxMjc5MDA4MS4xLjEuMTcxMjc5MDA5My4wLjAuMA Or with: https://www.firstlightoptics.com/diagonals/stellalyra_diag_90_d_125.html?_gl=1*t0q9dj*_up*MQ..*_ga*MTU0MDQyNjA1NC4xNzEyNzkwMDgx*_ga_F6VGWQ0MW9*MTcxMjc5MDA4MS4xLjEuMTcxMjc5MDA5My4wLjAuMA Both 99% reflectivity and £69.... is one better than the other? Or for that matter I'll take recommendations on any other options.
  3. I've had the same on my 120, doesn't seem to want to pull off, twisting I started to unscrew the whole front, lens and all, so.... it's staying put.
  4. Thanks, that location map looks particularly interesting
  5. Are there any fellow members that are in, or close to, South London, Se19? Upper Norwood, crystal palace, Streatham. It would be great to get hints and tips from anyone with local experience. What local spots to use for views in different directions and what targets to realistically try for/ enjoy given local conditions? That kind of thing. Maybe meeting up for a session if the clouds clear too.
  6. I found these, which at £3.90 for a 50mm sample are pretty cheap as spacers https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/192990852151?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=yE536z4CRyu&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=ouq3u5EnS2m&var=493194958991&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
  7. In fact, it was still there and bumped 2 weeks ago https://stargazerslounge.com/topic/420289-sky-watcher-2-di-electric-star-diagonal/#comment-4470937
  8. 2" diagonals appear in the classifieds. I know, I bought one new in January then see one I'd have been happy with cheaper in the classifieds. D'oh!
  9. Cool, very useful to know in not completely misunderstanding how this works then! Does the PIP s/w also rotate the image then to stack frames, or were the videos short enough that the rotation could be ignored? Ah cool so I guess using the PA s/w speeds up alignment? I would guess that it can pick up the drift more quickly and instead of sitting there for whole subs to check for movement before adjusting the s/w can detect the movement quite quickly. I have read up and can see how, with practice drift aligning manually wouldn't be to tricky. Although if you can get close with a polar scope first that must speed things up no end. I'd love to get a few dso like orion in time..... I've got to get better at visual first but, yes I can imagine a cheap imaging camera on my Christmas list in time 😁
  10. For the avoidance of doubt, this is the wedge I picked up. https://www.harrisontelescopes.co.uk/acatalog/star-adventurer-wedge.html?gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwwr6wBhBcEiwAfMEQs_n3aihmolvtJv_zlosEWsuV64BS4Of3LEtVpPKQFB-VnoCApB7RsxoC5qAQAvD_BwE
  11. I've not thought that far ahead. I was thinking I'd see what could be done with my smart phone camera on an eyepiece mount, planetary initially I think. Dso would be great as a progession. I thought get it aligned and running in eq and see if I could take, and process, some long ish (well several minutes) of video. I'd have thought it would be long enough to see rotation if working in alt az, no? If it was enjoyable I'd have a think about a cheap astro camera but that was not the plan initially. I'm not sure how a s/w package would help with the alignment, it's the wedge that needs az and alt and adjustments to polar align the mount. Does the package do drift and give you instructions? I realised I don't need to worry about my pointer being off centre. I would align by drift once, at the alt on the wedge, and make a mark on the mount corresponding to the pointer position
  12. It's raining again so my mind turns to working out solutions to problems and as a newbie still trying to get to grips with the basics I've plenty of those! I have an Az GtiX. I've aligned the 2 shoes and can then mount a st120 on one side and mak127 on the other. Currently this is just for visual. I happened to pick up a skywatcher eq wedge cheaply (I was the only bidder on ebay), and when I get more confident/experience I would like to try a bit of imaging. So I'm trying to work out how to set up equatorially. Let's assume I've got the s/w uploaded and the mount in eq mode, what are the steps to the physical set up? 1. Stick the tripod out with one leg pointing north by eye, using a compass (no need to worry about magnetic vs true.... it seems they are less than a degree out Currently) 2. Level the tripod 3. Mount the wedge on the pier extension, tilted appropriately. For the skywatcher wedge that's 90⁰ - local attitude. Wedge pointing to North by eye. 4. Add the az gtix 5. I now need to dial in the polar alignment. Yes? And here lies problem one, the mount has no polar scope. Okay....if I can align the shoes to point the scope 'straight up' the axis of the mount then I can use a scope mounted in either shoe right? I've got an illuminated Reticle, so fit this and once the shoe is aligned I'd be able to adjust the wedge in az and the angle on the wedge, to align the cross hairs on polaris. DONE! Ahhh..... problems. How to align the shoes/scope on the axis of the mount? If I place a short dovetail in one shoe, use a hole drilled in it to screw in a pointer that points across the top of the mount (towards the other shoe), if that pointer is bang on central with the axis of rotation of the shoes (big if!) And perpendicular to it, I can align the pointer with the bubble level built into the top of the gtix using it like a bullseye target, and the shoes and scope would then be aligned with the mount axis....I think! Getting the pointer central to the shoe axis might be tough.... getting a hole central across a dovetail is possible, and perpendicular through the dovetail.... but does that mean the centre line of the dovetail lines up with the axis of rotation of the shoes and is not offset? Because if it doesn't, the shoes won't align on the axis of the mount unless my pointer's aim is equally offset. Hmm. Is there another way? Glue a finder shoe directly to the side of the mount and use a finder as my polar scope..... anything else? I'm guessing I'm going to need to do final adjustments using the drift method, should I just go straight from lining up to North on the compass by eye, to drift adjustments and forget attempting to find a way to get close first? Or is there another way to visually align the az gtix mount axis to polaris? I recognise my explanation above may make little sense without drawings.... If you've read it, tried to understand it, and given up, I thank you anyway!
  13. I don't need any more kit... except the Acme Cloud -away- matic, one of those would be something.
  14. If your using M12 threaded bar and the weights I linked above (or any standard 1" hole discs) then you can buy these to pack them https://www.accu.co.uk/cylindrical-spacers/463831-HPS-25-12-6-20-N
  15. Yes I know but no, not that usual question. I know there are 2 version of the ota which put the finder shoe in different spots, one which I have which with the dovetail at the 3 o'clock position when stood behind the scope, puts the shoe at 10 ( for attaching to the lhs of a mount like the gti), and the other which is designed to be mounted to the rhs of a mount, dovetail at 9 finder shoe at 2 ( but if mounted to lhs it puts the shoe at a difficult to use 8 o'clock.) My question is why is the shoe so far to the rear? I'm left handed and view left eye so not really a problem but when I had other family members who are right eye dominant at the eyepiece I realised that the finder scope made viewing awkward for them, with their right eye on the ep the back of the finder scope was jabbing their forehead just above their left eye, or their left cheek, depending where they stood. Now partly this was down to where I had rotated the ep to 11 ish o'clock as I had another ota on the other side of the gtix so I was viewing stood to the left side not directly behind, plus with mum shorter than me that position and rotate the ep round to 9 or 10 made the height work for her. However I was left thinking, why isn't the finder shoe further forward on the tube so that it's not in the way? I was using a 90⁰ finder, but looking at photos such as here https://www.harrisontelescopes.co.uk/acatalog/skywatcher-skymax-127-azgti-telescope.html?gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwtqmwBhBVEiwAL-WAYafYk7un4Cy8O1sUgwzJhixailxfQPfVA3bdbTSB1R1mOiJ11kOjuBoCIZcQAvD_BwE A red dot would also be in the way I reckon. Maybe if the shoe were further forward it would make a straight through finder hard to use but...well I'm thinking shoes are cheap, I'll get one and attach it further forward. Or am I just missing something silly!
  16. Is it bright enough to be visible through cloud?
  17. I got out for just the 2nd time with the new gtix , with the st120 on one side and previously @SuburbanMak's mak127 on the other. You may have read my vent/frustration after last night's 1st go at Mercury and pons-brooks. Tonight Different location, my brother's place in Essex bortle 4 ish. I had higher hopes but new a clear view west wouldn't be easy. Well I found a decent spot to set up, but didn't find the comet. Determined not to get frustrated though I considered it just 'practice ' and with my 3yo, my brother, nephew and mum there I largely just viewed Jupiter. Seeing was a bit wiggly but could get decent enough views to see the banding at 185x in the 120. I should have tried a higher mag on the mak but it's tough trying to remember all the things to try while talking/explaining to that many... Checked out a few other new bits/eps... all seemed to work although nearly didn't have the in focus travel for a barlowed Morpheus... mount generally OK although last thing I tried was whirlpool galaxy which my nephew has found easily with my 300mm dob which I've 'given him' .... something was awry and the mount aimed somewhere in Leo....pah.... at the point the dew was descending rapidly (although the earlier clouds had shifted) so I called it....I'll call tonight a success and after last night it definitely was..... although no sightings of the comet or a dso...it felt like a(small) step forward though.
  18. I did at least get out I guess. This was a great feat in itself and thanks to finally having a dry spell the other day. I needed to align the 2 scopes so when it was dry I set up in the street, took aim at the top of the crystal palace transmitter and went to work.....I got some good views of that structure and after cutting bits of coke can and packing between dovetail and mount I got the 2 scopes pretty well aligned. 2 tubes kinda meant I could take aim with one or change an ep while one of the kids looked in the other. They just need to learn not to grab at the EP/scope/tripod etc grrrr!
  19. Thank you Mike. It's good to be reminded I'm not alone and with perseverance I'll eventually earn some good views of something. I am somewhat dejected this morning but it's forecast to be clear again tonight..... I'm heading to Essex to visit my brother and his garden offers darker skies and a whole new set of trees and houses to block my views. 😂
  20. I'm just venting I guess. I'll get the hang of it....I do get most things... I'm just finding the theory and the practical aspects are conspiring to defeat me with this hobby! Oh and the seeing must be rubbish tonight..... or I'm doing something very wrong. In desperation to get a look At something I shoved a stellalyra 30mm super view in the st120 (I had a Mak127 on the other side) just to get a view of the orion constellation.... no... no...no.... I could see about 3 stars. I honestly wasn't sure what I was looking at.... still, so least the ep came into focus (it's new and after a comment elsewhere I wasn't sure it would)
  21. Well that was frustrating. First time in 2 months I manage to get the telescope out. Mainly cloud but also having bought new stuff and missed a few clear evenings while sorting stuff out... or with 3 young kids just couldn't get out. So i was very much looking forward to a session. Still learning so just setting up on the drive/ pavement out front so i can rush in for anything ive forgotten and to get the kids to look at something.... despite the cars and a street lights... far from ideal but only temporary. Right, plan was to try and spot Mercury first (as it sets soon after 8pm) then the pons brooks 'devil comet' visible for another hour ish. Then try for a a satellite for my youngest. I checked just before sunset where the sun was.. . Hard as some clouds to the west..... trying to work out where to set the tripod so I can see past next door's tree and the 2 cherry trees on the street... OK... set up, level tripod, align new gtix on Jupiter and 2 stars for accuracy, right... Mercury...hit goto and.... round the mount slews to point directly at the lamp post. OK comet, goto.. up it slews to... the light at the top. OK satellite, what's visible..ISS is, ooo. Oh no... it’s behind the house across the street.... and so it goes on really. I managed a quick look at Jupiter, and a few stars ...I suppose it was a teenie bit of practice with the new mount but all in all... very frustrating!!!! I'm going to have to start heading to the dark bit of park at the end of the street.... this has always been the plan to get better views but I did hope to become a bit more proficient ... still, other than a red torch I I've got my kit moderately well ordered.... fairly confident I'd remember..... nearly everything!
  22. I bought these and some m12 threaded bar, nuts and washers. https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B08542NQ4Y?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
  23. Ahhj, go in the front, it doesn't look hard in this video at least Then https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/126158692568?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=ec_hrumotgq&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=ouq3u5EnS2m&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY A drill and 2 self tapping pan heads.
  24. How complex or straightforward is it to remove the back and mirror? Complex I guess. If it weren't then you could drill the tube for the screws to (re) locate the finder. Although if its just Red dot epoxy or double sided sticky pads would be good I'm sure.
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