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Posts posted by Xgaze

  1. On 19/06/2023 at 19:43, Pete Presland said:

    The best frame from the GIF, with the ISS nicley positioned between the Sunspots. A straightforward single frame saved from the SER file and converted to a PNG and lightly sharpened. 

    Evostar 120mm, Lunt wedge, Baader Continuum filter, Asi174mm,  


    My 9yr old says, it looks like a tie fighter!

    • Like 1
  2. Hi all,

    I may have missed a topic on this but, I only found one discussing the OTH filter. So, two questions:

    I have a budget of around d £30-40 for a solar  filterfor my SW 150 Dob. what would people suggest?

    Secondly, what type of EP is suitable? something that seems to be missing  from the topics I have found here.



  3. Thank you both for the replies and advice.
    I bought them and promptly donated them back to the charity shop after I tried them and, my Swift Ascot Mk1 30x50 out peformed them!

    On a brighter note: my inlaws had original Carl Zeiss Janoptems they have given me - immaculate condition and outstanding seeing! Although, they are low power, I am still looking forwards to testing them on the night sky.


    • Like 2
  4. Crikey people! 😆
    I was pondering " how many do I need, what would be the essentials" and found this recent topic.

    Will I really need to get into double figures, wonder if that's where I'm heading!?😅

    Thought I saw a topic on the essential or basic EP's somewhere but can't find it now?

    I've just bought my fourth one (including a Barlow if that counts). So, with the two stock EP's that came with my only scope that's 6 in total.
    I'd love to try something like the Televue brand just to see where that extra money goes, but can't afford one at the moment!


  5. 22 hours ago, Stu said:

    Don’t worry too much. Mars can be a tough target and it is still a long way away. It grows in size dramatically at opposition so by far the best views will be hard then.

    Your scope is quite capable of showing excellent views of it, and I would certainly recommend getting a decent high power eyepiece for it. 8mm is only x94 which is pretty low for Mars.

    Looking back at this post...

    .... I see I used up to x300 in my Heritage 150p with x220 preferred on a night of very good seeing at Opposition. Mars does need high power to get the best out of it. The 5mm would certainly be useful, but even the 3.2mm BST would likely be useful on Mars at opposition and for the Moon too.

    The images in my post were taken with a smartphone, and show some detail, but visually through the scope the views were noticeably better, more detail visible than in the images.

    Many Thanks Stu!
    That is both useful and encouraging!
    I hadn't thought about getting a smaller EP but, it seems as you say, I could manage a 3.5 which I might go for. I'm guessing it would make a bigger diference than that between 8 - 5mm.

  6. 13 minutes ago, Pixies said:

    A 5mm will give you x150. That'll be fine with the gas giants. If you have a Barlow, the 8mm will go down to x190-ish.

    Many thanks!
    I thought that a 5mm would be on the upper limit.
    I do have a barlow but I always find I loose too much definition so, don't really bother with it.

  7. First view of Mars at 5:30am this morning.
    Was a little underwhelmed, I have to say! but the seeing was pretty bad so much wobble. Although, I was just about able to make out the dark shape in the middle of Mars. 
    Jupiter was okay, I kept swithing between the two. My eyes adjusted and seemed to improve a little more of the blured detail on Mars. 
    Still quite pleased as it was my first view of the red planet. Looking forwards to December when it's closest!
    I wonder if it's worth saving for a 5mm EP? currently using an 8mm BST. What do people think?



    • Like 1
  8. First time out for ages this morning.
    Took my 150m Dob. camping on Saturday, only early this morning was it clear enough.
    I got up at first light and saw Jupiter as conspicuous as could be! got the scope out of the trailer, not sure if it had time to cool or not!?s et up really quick, collimation not even checked! 
    Amazing views of our largest planet, two moons each side pricked out of the dimly lit sky.
    I was able to clearly make out the banding and, I think I was able to make out the GSP? Checking on Stellerium, I think it is visible at the moment?

    A joy to see when conditions are as good as they were just before dawn. 
    I think I read somewhere that, viewing the planets is actually better at dusk or dawn - seems to be true!

    Clear Skies!



    • Like 7
  9. Hi James,

    Welcome to SGL!
    I bought the same scope as you just over 12 months ago. I've found it an excellent starter scope. Shortly after buying I upgraded the EP's to the following:

    8mm BST Starguider  -  which I find really good and the most used particularly for viewing planets. I got it from the forum sponsers First Light Optics - excellent service and advice.

    32mm Plossl  - a great quality EP for the money. It gives me amazing wide views of the sky, I'm lucky enough to live in Bortle 4 , it shows fantastic views of clusters like Pleiades

    X2 Barlow (shorty) Starguider - have to be honest, I hardly ever use this as it looses so much detail although, it does enhance DSO's like globular clusters and galaxies.

    If you can afford it, go for the best quality!
    Good luck and keep us posted.



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  10. This post made me smile too! 😁😁

    Thanks CC!

    It's one amazing benefit I hadn't expected before buying my scope; those shared experiences with others. They have been thoroughly and mutually satisfying and wholesome!!

    Starting to get a name for myself now, as you have! 😆 As a stargazer. People looking up more when they're with me, asking questions etc...

    What a fantastic hobby! 



    • Like 3
  11. Hi all,

    Perhaps I'm too optimistic hoping to find and get a decent or, at least descernible view of 19P Borrelly, with my 6" Dob?

    Anyways, I spent what seemed like half an hour in the cold repeatedly searching, re-pointing the red dot finder to no avail. I know I should try star hoping but this is also a challenge without any automation. Did have Stellarium to hand but find matching the dots/patterns then remembering that its all inverted in the EP, I find frustratingly difficult!

    My consellation was turning my attention to the clusters M36, M37, M38 not seen before; what absolute beauties!! they literally sparkled like diamonds a real thrill. Such beauty!

    So, not all was lost on the chilly session.

    Any tips on how to bag Borrelly would be much apreciated!



  12. Let my 6" Dob. cool down for a while then off out to the car parking spot behind our house.

    Started with the amazing Orion Nebula what a treat this was tonight! the viewing/seeing is spectacular, no moon, no wobble, no wind nice and still. 

    Moved around to M31 Andromeda Galaxy again, excellent viewing in current conditions, probably the best I've seen it. Also tried it with my Starguider Shorty Barlow lens but, as I suspected, I prefer it with just the 8mm BST on it's own, much sharper.

    Decided to message a friend who parks his car where I was viewing and invite him to join me...

    Then decided to have another go at finding Uranus for the first time, after it has hidden from me for the last few months (when it's been clear enough to search!) and I found it !! Really pleased with myself! at that moment my friend turned up with his partner. Calling after me in the dark, I excitedly beckoned them over to take a look and share in my newly discoverd view of the seventh planet in our solar system with its very slightly blue/green hue. 

    After showing them Orion Nebula and Andromeda we looked at Betelgeuse and marvel at this red supergiant star then moved onto Sirius and, again, wonder and marvel at how bright and beautiful this star is with its pulsing colours burning seven times as bright as our own sun. We then moved up to Aldebaran another beautful gold jewel high up in the sky. Nice sharp refraction spikes attached. 

    Then popped in the 32mm Plossl E.P to be blown away by Pleiades can't resist doing this each time I go out at the moment. Each time I'm just as impressed and always spot new features.

    My two friends really enjoyed it. It was really thought provoking, lots of questions many which I couldn't yet answer. I think views of seven different targets was plenty for the three of us!

    My friend helped me pack my set-up away laughing to his Missus as he said: "we just viewed all that off an old dustbin turned upside down!"😆

    What another fantastic evening gazing at our wonderfully awe inspiring universe...it's great to be alive!!



    • Like 9
  13. Hi all,

    Thanks for the replies and advise!

    Thought I'd give you an update; I decided to go for the EP waistbag I found on EBay for £11.99 Inc delivery(link in original post)

    After using it 4 times I feel ready to give it a fair review and, I have to say: it's excellent!

    Now, I am just starting out in this hobby so, I haven't invested massively in my kit as yet! I understand many people have spent huge amounts on their eyepieces and other accessories therefore; feel the need and can justify investing a fair bit to ensure quality protection for it.

    As you can see form the pictures, I have two EP's (not including the stock ones) and a Shorty Barlow that I am using regularly so, don't need a big 'clunky' aluminium or large plastic case to drag around also, I need my hands free to carry my Dob with stand and seat into the garden and beyond. This waist belt bag (I think they're amusingly called '[removed word] packs' across the pond) is excellent for this and, so far, has been a brilliant addition to my 'grab and go' set-up. Keeping it on whilst observing and keeping the kit in the same holes has saved me time and improved my viewing experience also, keeps the kit a bit warmer in the cold. Using the zip hasn't proved too much of a chore and everything's secure and dust free.

    The zips are more robust than expected, teeth seem well made and big enough to reassure me that they won't split. The plastic clip which secures it around the waist is more than strong enough and all stitching is adequate.

    As you can see, there is two layers of the foam inserts that each have seven aperture's that have their own inserts (three at the front are larger) and can be further cut out to as needed. I haven't got around to doing this yet.

    Small pockets on the sides don't seem big enough to be of use for anything but the large on on the front looks like it would be useful for filters when I get some.

    So despite being bought on Ebay, made in China and the seller not yet having huge ratings or feedback; It IS a quality item and is serving me very well.

    I think it's a little unfair and surprising that people still think stuff made in China is poor quality, they have been producing excellent products for many years which are great value. I will never shop at Amazon on principal but we'll leave that discussion for another time and place! interesting article HERE .

    I know this can be an expensive hobby but I feel that, with a bit of research, frugality and improvisation it can be accessible and inclusive hobby to those on a budget.










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  14. Just back inside after a 25-30minute session.

    Not really viewed many doubles before so, had a go at the following with my 6" Dob using 8mm BST E.P 

    - Beta Monoceros

    - Lota Orionid


    - Alnitak & Mintaka

    Not sure if it's the capabilities of my set-up? but I thought they were a bit underwhelming. Nice to see the colour differences in some and being able to split them is satisfying.

    Put a 32mm Plossl E.P for a quick look at Pleiades its amazing how much the moon effects viewing; it seemed to thin out each star as though they'd been on a post Christmas diet! still great to see this cluster in a wide view. 

    Back in with the 8mm E.P I spent some time in the Orion Nebula. This is always amazing! but a little high for me to be able to sit down comfortably and view it a length.

    Spent the remaining time looking at Sirius, what a beautiful view with 'pulsing' colours and perfectly crisp refraction spikes. Had a play around and completely de-focused (as one might check collimation creating the 'donut' shape) and the hues were even more spectacular all colours of the spectrum, shimmering away looking almost like an LED light feature! Great fun ! I'd recommend giving it a try!!




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  15. 2 hours ago, Nik271 said:

    Just watching the sunlight starting to touch the floor of Schickard, if you can take a look, from now on until about 10pm the whole crater will gradually get illuminated.

    Was just looking at this also; the small triangular shaped sunlight starting to stretch out between shadows on Wargentin next to Schickard.

    Stunningly crisp in my 150 Dob using 8mm BST E.P.

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