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Everything posted by LaurenceT

  1. That's how I have assembled the counter weight bracket following Peter Zelinka's advice on his YouTube channel also Ioptron mention this. I think that it's better this way for centre of gravity balance. I will check out the WO DEC adapter, thanks, I already use their wedge which is a great improvement.
  2. Hi Noodles, Thanks for the reply. You're quite correct but when the central tongue is in the vertical position as in your photo then the polar scope is inverted and thus not illuminated. When I re-orientate the the polar scope by rotating the RA axis to illuminate the reticle then the tongue is inverted. As you suggest, the only solution I can see at the moment is to add the equipment after polar alignment when I can re-orientate the mounting bracket.
  3. Just setting up my new SkyGuider, The reticle is only illuminated when the scope is orientated so that the reticle is at the vertical position, no problem there but then the mount for the DEC bracket is upside down and the DEC bracket can't be mounted. There is a solution according to Ioptron and that is to disassemble the polar mount assembly and re-orientate it but in doing so the manufacturers warranty is voided although they kindly supply a pdf with full instructions on how to do this. I suppose I could always polar align without installing the DEC bracket and once aligned loosen the clutch and turn the RA axis by 90 degrees to the correct orientation and then very carefully install the bracket and then mount the camera and scope. My previous tracker mount the Ioptron SkyTracker had a removable polar scope but that one also had the reticle upside down and I had to perform minor surgery on the scope to re-orientate the reticle. I'm feeling a bit miffed about this at the moment. I've messaged FLO about this, looking forward to their solution.
  4. That astro week looks interesting, I'll give them a call later. As an absolute beginner my knowledge level is a bit basic to say the least so I can look forward to learning more.
  5. I did a search for dark sky campsites and this one came up which is not that far from us: https://www.campingandcaravanningclub.co.uk/campsites/uk/west-sussex/petworth/graffham-camping-and-caravanning-club-site/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=organic&utm_content=Graffham&utm_campaign=google_places so we've booked it for 3 nights next week in the motorhome.
  6. Having been very disappointed in the past with filters I'm inclined to go with better quality glass but I know that costs money. I've singled out two filters, one clip-in and the other a normal screw-on filter, my choices are somewhat limited by having a Sony APSC full spectrum modified camera. https://www.cliftoncameras.co.uk/stc-clip-astro-ms-filter/brand-fitting/sony-aps-c https://www.harrisontelescopes.co.uk/acatalog/explore-scientific-filter-77mm.html
  7. Thanks for your reply, I like the cooking analogy. I can't find any details that a light suppression filter will also block IR and UV, I would be ecstatic if that were the case. Do you have any further information?
  8. I think that you're correct, if it wasn't for the increased depth afforded by Sony version I wouldn't have been able to attach the teleconverter.
  9. Thanks for the very useful replies, I shall be investigating using a UV/IR filter. Why would a clip in filter be better than a screw in front mounted filter? My processing of this image would have fairly "agricultural" when compared to the large amount of processing of astro images I've seen people doing. I come from a background of many years wildlife and macro photography where the post processing required is minimal compared to astro pp. I'm learning Affinity to be able to post process more effectively. I'm so glad I found this site, it's a very useful resource with helpful members.
  10. I've just bought this tripod collar from Amazon https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B08KLP1Q8Y/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o02_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 Fits perfectly without the need for tape with easy access to the aperture ring. Apologies if it's been suggested before.
  11. Just dipping my toes into astrophotography and so my knowledge and experience is very limited, last night was the first time with my astro modified camera. Gear: Sony A5000 full spectrum astro modified camera Samyang 135mm f2 Ioptron Sky Tracker Pro Bortle 5 area (Surrey) 20 subs, 2 minute exposures, stacked in Sequator and processed in DXO3 and Lightroom 6, no darks etc. Target: Vega The first image was flooded with red light, I was expecting that. I'm showing here the final processed image. I know that Vega is supposed to be a blue star when viewed with an unmodified camera, is my image what I can expect with a full spectrum modification?
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