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Everything posted by Nidgey86

  1. Thanks everyone. I managed to get out at 1930 after waiting for eyes to adjust. I had a rough idea of what I wanted to see and managed to get them all. The orion nebula is so far my favourite, I see two bright stars and a smudge around it. Looks preety good in binos so assume would be even better in a scope. Also really like looking at vega, it's like a Xmas tree light twinkling away in few colours. The pleiades were good too but quite close to the moon. I was disappointed with M31 however, I've been looking for it for a while and it was just a large smudge with not much to pick out . Compared to the orion nebula it didn't really compare. Would it have been affected by the bright moon? Thanks again for all the advice. I had to tap out after half and hour was just too baltic..... A wimp I know!!
  2. Thanks everyone for your replies. I am only using binoculars(complete beginner) so don't need to set up. Thanks again
  3. Good afternoon. I'm going to try to brave the cold and sleep deprivation (thanks to the baby) tonight. What's the best time to go out once fully dark? Seems to get black here around 1900hrs at the moment
  4. Yes I'm struggling with the moon at moment. Ant suggested sights to go to with the bright moon? I'm using 10x56 binos
  5. Dave, Thanks for that, I will check out website.
  6. Thanks I am aware that I will need the attachment on the binnos, but can't see how I can then attach it to tripod?
  7. Hi, a few years back I bought a meade telescope which isn't the best. I was one of the many that was expecting lots and didn't get much so it went into the garage. I have tried to get back into it and following beginners guidance I have just bought some 10x50 binnos. I am hoping to use the tripod from my telescope for the binnos, is there a way to adapt the tripod so I can attach them to it? I have included a stock image but can get true ones when back home. Kind regards
  8. Hi thanks for reply. Yeah i bought a small telescope years ago...... Bit toy like I think was a cheapo from currys. I want to get into it/learn a bit more before I take that leap and invest in telescope. Reading things bino seems to be better for starting properly? Also I'm getting bortle 4 from the clearskys app, is that quite accurate?
  9. Hi all, long time lurker first time poster. I am looking to get into more astronomy and been looking up a fair bit more. I live in a bortle 4 area so think I should get some good darkness. I have some old 8x30 binnos that I have been using but looking at going for some 10x50s. My question is, will I see a good difference or stick with my oldies for a while? Thank you in advance
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