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Posts posted by tompato

  1. Just to play devil's advocate but summer is (likely) coming to an end soon and the darker skies and cooler temps will be with us. Might be worth sticking with the 600d and then investing in something after Winter for the warmer months ahead, there might be new models out then, and maybe bargains to be had on used models.

    Is your 600d modified? What ISO are you shooting at? I still get pretty good results in summer with mine, even 60 mins of data on Veil I was pretty happy with in the middle of June.

  2. Here is my first attempt with my astromodified Canon 600d (thanks Juan!) And I'm using my Az-Gti and AsiAir setup with my Evostar 50ed and EvoFF.

    Lights: 60 x 60s @ ISO 400 (I forgot to check usually I set this to ISO 800)

    Darks: 10 x 60s

    Bias: 20 Frames

    Flats: 20 Frames

    Stacked in Affinity Photo and edited in the same. Really happy with how this turned out with such a small amount of data in the rather light summer skies.

    Next target is something with a bit more Ha nebulosity to really see how different things are with my modified Canon 600d.


    • Like 16
  3. 2 hours ago, Dark Raven said:

    That would be great. Even Omegon Deluxe Polar Wedge at half price of the WO wedge might be interesting.

    Has anyone tried the Omegon Deluxe Wedge? It looks pretty solid, but I've not seen anyone using it or any reviews. I was tempted for my Az-Gti setup. (But off topic I know).

    It looks like it has a fixed dovetail bar on the bottom of the Skyhunter so I don't see why you wouldn't be able to use another brand wedge. Only question would be if it has enough clearance I guess as the one supplied has quite a long clamp that extends above the wedge somewhat.

  4. The locking knob turny arm things (technical name I'm sure) can be pulled outwards in order to rotate their position without loosening them, if that makes any sense. So their angle/position can be changed to make sure it doesn't hit things. But yeah you're right about the iOptron base being a pain to adjust, especially in latitude as that big knob is easy to adjust upwards, but when lossening it jumps down quite substantially and if you have to adjust downwards for PA you'll often find yourself way overshooting and then adjust back up - which in turn is then really annoying if you overshoot again and have to adjust downwards. It's not a good wedge, at least in my experience. (I realise its slightly different to the one available with the SGP but it looks mechanically the same otherwise).

  5. As the title mentions, I got my Az-Gti setup working in EQ mode with the ASIAIR and managed to get fairly well polar aligned and whipped the mount off to M27 to do get some data on an object I hadn't managed to get in my non Goto days with my SGP. Oh I also managed to get it guiding as well which is the first time I've managed that and looked like I was getting okay results from the graph in ASIAIR.

    Light: 30 x 120s (1 hour)
    Dark: 10 x 120s
    Bias: 30
    Flat: 20

    Equipment: Az-Gti (EQ Mode), Evoguide 50ed with EvoFF v2, Canon 600d (unmodified), Light Pollution Filter, Zwo 120MM Mini with Astro Essentials Guidescope, ASIAIR Pro Plus.

    I gave Affinity Photo a go to stack it and edit it, which is something I've not used before and I think I need a lot more practice with it but it was nice to be able to use my Mac to stack and edit the photos on without having to dig out the Windows setup.


    • Like 9
  6. 6 hours ago, adyj1 said:

    It is the guide scope focal length you need, which isn't anything to do with the camera. Mind you, if you have the ZWO mini guide scope, then by complete coincidence that has 120mm focal length. 😁 👍 

    Ah I see! Yes it's the astro essentials one which I think is f4 and 30mm so 120mm focal length it is! I'll hopefully get my stacked and processed image up this afternoon :)

    • Like 2
  7. My Az-Gti and AsiAir are outside as I type this capturing some 120s subs on M27.

    All worked pretty seamlessly, I plonked it down facing Polaris, popped it into PA mode and it went through its stuff. I then fiddled about for about 10 mins and got it to around 1 arc minute and a smiley face and stopped. Then set it to go to Deneb and it was spot on.

    Pointed it at M27 and took a snap and hey presto. Did a couple of focus checks. Then I figured I would try guiding and had a play with the menus. Realised I've never used my 120mm mini before and so it was not in focus at all so had to fiddle with that until I realised the 120 stands for 120mm focus distance (I think?) and so extended my guidescope so it was around that. Struggled to get it perfect but it was good enough for guiding.

    Swung it back to M27 and set the guiding to calibrate and started a run of 30 x 120s subs. I tried 180 but the stars has slight movement so figured I would play it safe.


    • Like 4
  8. 4 hours ago, herne said:

    One other thought - double check your eq wedge is set to the correct latitude for your location.  My Skywatcher wedge (all Skywatcher wedges?) have their scales inverted for some unknown reason.  So for my 51 degree north location my wedge is set to 39 degrees on the scale ie., 90 - 51 = 39.

    Yeah I actually got this right haha, quite unlike me. I had it set to 52 for my SGP and I was looking at the Az-Gti and I realised it would be at 90 degrees to the usual axis so minuses 52 from 90 and set it to about 38.

    It actually wasn't too far off when I did the PA routine, I think I just need to get used to very gently tweaking the adjustment bolts. The longitude adjustments weren't too bad but the latitude adjustment bolt seemed to jump quite a bit when trying to move it down, but did seem to adjust better when moving back up. I don't think it's the greatest design but I'm sure I'll get better.

    I was pretty surprised how far off it seemed when it had roughly PA'd and then I tried the Goto, but I'll try the workflow suggestions and go back home next time and see if it helps, failing that I'll just try Synscan without the AsiAir.

    • Like 2
  9. 2 hours ago, AstroNebulee said:

    That's not good at all, sorry to hear your issues. 

    Obviously your wedge is the issue with the PA. I don't know anything about the ioptron wedge and how it can be tweaked for fine adjustments. 

    One suggestion on the goto is maybe that the PA wasn't good enough to get close to your goto (though I'm just throwing ideas out here). But would of thought if it was plate solved it may pull it back in to the target?

    Also after doing your PA do you send the mount back to its home position first, I find this can help in some situations. 

    Is it the latest app and firmware for your Asiair? 

    Have a look at @Elpworkflow on page 12  dated January 21st, maybe of help too 👌

    It would be good if you could upload some images of your Asiair settings screens if possible to help us look at it too 😊

    It's a good idea to test the alignment using just the synscan app. 



    Thanks Lee,

    Yeah all the latest versions of software, apart from the Az-Gti being on one firmware back from the very latest as that wasn't flashing properly.

    I didn't go back to home so maybe that is my issue. I am going to just try with the Syncscan App first next time and get it working with that. Then I can at least eliminate a physical setup issue and move on to getting the AsiAir settings correct.

    I did have it set as EqMod and connected using the EqMod FTDI cable and slewing around manually seemed to be working fine.

    I'll get some screenshots of settings next time ☺️

    • Like 1
  10. Frustrating first night with the Az-Gti in equatorial mode. Might have something to do with controlling it with the AsiAir.

    First issue was the latest firmware was throwing an error when trying to flash it, so found v3.38 or something and that worked fine.

    Then I plonked it down roughly facing Polaris and set about doing the polar align. Couldn't get any closer than like 10' as eveytime I moved the ioptron wedge, especially in azimuth adjustments it just jumped from 10' one side to the other. Gave up in the end.

    Then i tried using the Goto feature but it would always end up miles off and often pointing at the floor, so not sure what was going on there.

    Im going to try the Syncscan app next time and see if the alignment and tracking works okay there, as opposed to with the AsiAir 


    • Sad 1
  11. These look interesting, the colour version bein a good price point. Might be good for lucky imaging.

    I'm guessing the fact it's non-cooled will make noise a problem on long exposures that deep sky stuff requires? Or do these newer BSI Starvis 2 sensors have such lower noise than what we are accustomed to with older sensors?

  12. A lovely Asiair in anticipation of my Az-Gti which I'm hopefully getting as a 33rd birthday present from the family.

    I'd been trying to find one of these or a RPI 4 and not been able to find either, then this week I found one just after ordering this so I'll try both methods and see what suits me (maybe keep the RPi 4 for more mobile sessions).



    • Like 4
  13. So I'm looking at having my Canon 600d astromodified but I'm trying to make sense of the options. As I understand it, the options are as follows:

    1. Remove both IR filters, shim the sensor forwards and end up with a full spectrum mod - which I'm pretty sure I don't want as then you have to use an IR cut filter for astro imaging?

    2. Remove the single IR cut filter and shim the sensor forward. This is 'normal' astromodified? I'm guessing this is the one I want as it increases Ha sensitivity but maintains the block on the infrared ranges? However this means any normal use of the camera would require extensive colour balancing and white balance settings etc to get 'normal' looking images in regular use?

    3. The 'Baader' replacement filter which replaces the filter that is normally removed and this has a cut off after the Ha wavelengths and this means the focus/sensor position doesn't have to be moved? This would also be like the normal 'astromodified' approach above but the camera would maintain its ability to be used normally without colour correction being needed, custom white balance settings etc? Is there a downside to this other than the extra cost?

    So yeah I think that covers my questions, I'm fairly sure most people just have option 2 done, but the Baader mod put some doubt in my mind. I don't really need to use my 600d for normal photography as I have Fuji cameras I use for that.

    Also, does anyone recommend anyone in particular? I've seen that the 'Astronomiser' and 'Cheap Astrophotography' here in the UK.

  14. I think even the version of Skyhunter without the iPolar is listed on Altair Astro for £475 - although it is sold as a kit with a tripod, extension and counterweight. So in all likelihood it is going to be more expensive.

    I mean hopefully they do sell it without the tripod and extension pier, but I don't know. It does officially support EQ mode, so there is that to consider as well.

    It'll be interesting to see some reviews once it is actually out.

    • Thanks 1
  15. Has anyone got any experience with Player One cameras? They seem to have drivers for most platfforms, and ASCOM compatibility? Would it work with an Astroberry setup?

    I noticed that Lukomatico on Youtube use them and thought I'd check them out. The new Uranus-C looks interesting - might be okay for some deep sky stuff, planetary and/or EEA. Doesn't seem too bad at $399, although I'm imagining a markup once it gets to these shores. Seems to be one of these new gen zero amp glow, BSI Sony sensors.

    I'm just wondering if it would be okay to dip my toes into dedicated astronomy cameras, I can't really afford the £800-1k or thereabouts for a cooled ZWO camera. Or is it better to stick to finding a second hand older ZWO model or something?

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