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    Photography, Videography, Astro-photography
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  1. That sounds pretty awesome. I have an intervalometer attached to my Canon DSLR which takes a series of images over a set time. I am heading out tonight again so I will be out longer tonight, getting more images as a result. At least that is the plan Just researching some locations as we speak.
  2. I created my first Timelapse last night from the back garden. Focusing on Mars rising in to the night sky. I will be attempting another one tonight with a higher frame rate as this was shot over a 45 minute period and rendered at 10fps. I will be aiming for 20-25fps for a smoother result on my next one. Timelapse w-Audio.mp4
  3. Hi all... fairly new to this site... is this club still ongoing? (with obvious covid measures in place :))
  4. Starting to feel frustrated that we are getting lovely clear skies in the day... Followed by nothing but clouds and rain at night! :(

  5. Wow! Beautiful image! What lens / camera body was this using? I struggled to get a decent focus on my shot (above) as the clouds were rolling in fast and I was shooting by hand.
  6. To be honest... For this shot I just had the camera in auto... I know that is cheating but I could see the clouds rolling in so I wanted to get what I could, fast... hence handheld and blurry. This was even taken through my living room window haha
  7. Excuse the blurry moon... this was the best I could do through my living room window by hand using my 70-300mm lens.
  8. @BrianHes Thanks for such a comprehensive reponse. I have an intervalometer that I have for my Canon EOS 750D so I tend to use that to fire off shots when attached to the telescope. No wobble at all then. I have done some long exposure shots in the past (albeit on a Camera Tripod) and find this gets best results as there is no delay in having to wait for a timer.
  9. @redbase sorry for the late reply... Only now noticing these responses.... Oops. I don't seem to have any issues with either of the slow motion controls. Also, thanks for the link... Adding to basket as we speak
  10. Just driving home from work and the clouds parted for a very clear view of the Moon and Mars.... Outstanding view! I wish I had my telescope with me.... Typically, now I am home, the clouds are rolling in again. Well, at least I got to see it... Proper goosebumps lol
  11. Hi all, So my amazing wife bought me an Astromaster 130EQ for my birthday. I have already bought some extras for it so I can hook up my DSLR and cannot wait to get some clear skies to give it a go. However, I am also looking for some guidance as I want to set up a motor unit so I can track the stars. The telescope came with an equatorial mount but I am not sure which system will work to motorise it. Do any of you have any experience / knowledge in this area please?
  12. Good to know this stuff haha
  13. I am already loving how welcoming everyone is!! Thank you
  14. Nice!! I grew up in Cardiff... Penarth, Cogan and Danescourt
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