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Posts posted by dd999

  1. I'm on the search for a new pair of bins. As well as astronomy I also plan to take them on holiday as we walk and hike a lot, and venture on many wilderness trails.

    I've seen an Olympus 10x50 pair and the Celestron 12x60 pair, which are just £10 in price difference.

    I've been trying to find an image, a video anything that shows a 10x50 and 12x60 side by side for size comparison. My missus has said she doesn't want anything bigger or heavier than the 10x50 size to take on our travels, but I just don't know how much bigger (apart from product dimensions and tape measures) the 12x60s are.

    Does anyone have a pair of the 12x60s - or even better a pair of 12x60s and 10x50s - who could help? 

  2. So many amazing captures!

    Weather forecast for the next few days and it's ever growing distance from the sun meant last night was probably my last opportunity to see. Set out to Beachy Head to set up before it got dark at around 8:30pm, waited for around 2 hours to catch a glimpse and ended up staying until midnight as star after star popped out from the night sky. In the dark(ish) skies across the South Downs it was the clearest I'd seen it naked eye. It's a view that could never get old.



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  3. Although I live in a rural area with Bortle 4 skies, my view is very limited from my back garden due to trees and buildings. 

    I've had similar problems recently trying to find a North spot for Neowise searching. I'm fortunate to be on top of the south coast by the sea, where the beach and sea offer great horizon views  - but of course where you are, being slap bang in the middle of the country, this isn't much help. 

    In the end - for a much needed north view - I found an empty country pub car park next to a hidden public right of way walking route across open country fields - and bumped in to an astrophotograoher doing the exact same thing, who found the spot a few months before. 

    Searching for walking routes in your area may yield some finds that could be suitable - and hopefully not much of a walk from parking the car. 

  4. I received my OTG cable today, and tried out DSLR Controller (after checking compliance with remote release - good tip!).

    Very pleased, and it does add the intervalometer settings I need. Hopefully this will help with focussing at night, which I need to understand a litttle more.....

    ......but on the whole very pleased. Appreciate the advice 👍

  5. 1 minute ago, happy-kat said:

    If I were choosing just one it would be DSLR controller.

    I do like this option but don't know if it would give me the intervalometer settings I need ( say 100 continuous shots of 2 second subs ) - if this setting doesn't already exist on the camera.

    If it adds them (like ML does) I would def go down that option

  6. Thanks all!

    So Magic Lantern for the intervalometer continuous shots (more than the 10 my 600d can take)

    And although you can use DSLR Controller (with ML installed) on your mobile or tablet to help give you a larger screen for night time focusing etc... you just can't access the ML extra settings via your mobile device.

    Got it 👍 

  7. 8 minutes ago, david_taurus83 said:

    Can't say I've heard of that app. There is an alternative in Magic Lantern which is a firmware you install on the SD card. It has lots of extra controls in it but the main ones of interest are a bulb timer and intervalometer. I used it on my old 600D and also use it now on my 6D.


    That was another consideration I had. I've had my dslr for about a week and guess being over protective lol - I have heard the 'horror stories' of Magic Lantern causing issues, and locking up the camera - like for example taking the SD card out too quickly.

    I guess many have used it without issue though.


  8. Does anyone have experience of using the DSLR Controller app?

    I have a Canon EOS 600d and I like the thought of having live view on my phone rather than just the LCD screen. I hear that DSLR Controller comes with basic intervalometer settings - and I want to use to take x number of y second subs etc...

    My 600d is unable to take anymore than 10 continuous shots.  

    Does the DSLR Controller App 'add' this intervalometer setting to a camera that doesn't have it built in or does it just replicate what the camera can already do, and is it capable of doing x number of shots of y second subs? - or will I need an intervalometer instead?


  9. 18 hours ago, AdeKing said:

    At 10:30 probably a binocular object, but half an hour later it is just naked eye visible if memory serves me correctly.

    I've used binoculars to locate it first on both nights, its easer to see naked eye once located in binoculars.

    You were spot on! 

    I did venture out. Found the most amazing spot. Full 360 degree horizon, bortle 4 towards the North and bortle 3 towards the South. 

    I set up in to the sunset. Clouds dispersing, Comet Neowise at 10:30pm suddenly sprang in to view in my bins..... then my battery died and didnt have a spare 🤦‍♂️

    Dslr rookie mistake! 


  10. Just back for my jaunt out to low horizons and darker skies - and after a failed attempt last Sunday night, I finally got my first look at Comet Neowise - she's definately a beauty! 

    My eyes probably aren't the best but I struggled to see naked eyed, but in binoculars the head, the tail... all so impressive.

    My first dslr outing too which only arrive at the weekend - and picked up a 250mm lens this morning just for special the occassion.

    Just arrived home at 2am to notice Cassiopia and Pegasus just peaking above some tall trees in the neighbouring garden - which to me means one thing....it was too late to drag the scope out but got a great view of Andromeda through the binoculars even with the glare of the moon.  Double whammy :)


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  11. 16 minutes ago, ollypenrice said:

    No, it's important to use terms properly in AP or you'll confuse yourself. Your aperture was the aperture of your telescope, so 130mm. Don't become fixated on F ratio. Once you change a scope's focal length with Barlow or reducer you'll find that the term F ratio does you more harm than good.


    Actually in both cases I was only using the dslr (not with a telescope connected). 

    I am new to this and still learning, but was the aperture quoted correctly here? 

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