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    Atenas, Costa Rica

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  1. Dear Colin, I was able to use a PEC editing program by Andrew Johansen Melbourne Australia toto test the com5 port and my RS232 to usb converter is working as I could access the LX850 handbox and change my address data. So it looks like there is a problem possibly with your driver? Best wishes. Douglas
  2. Dear Sub Dwarf, Thank you for providing your driver. Can I ask you for a little more information please? I am just finishing set up a Technical Innovations Pro Dome (15') that has an LX200GPS on an LX850 GEM which has AutoStar II. I have a Digital Dome Works (DDW) hardware controller for the dome and Tim Long kindly provided me today with a recent ASCOM driver he wrote. I don't have a specific LX200GPS control program and was looking around for a possible ASCOM driver which you seem to have. I am running Windows 10 on a powerful (used) desktop machine and the latest version of ASCON platform 6.4 SP1. I also have SharpCap pro camera software. Will your Meade driver play nicely with this mixture and if so can you please supply a link. Thanks very much. Douglas
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