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  1. Hello, guys! It is obvious that you have never worked with astroprograms, otherwise you would have surely noticed that some programs can "fix ground", thus the ground appearence is maintained and is not biased towards stars and vice versa
  2. They are photographed on mateotux 60s exposure and 10 gain. folded and edited in the astro program. This is what the original meteotux looks like
  3. I'm adding a photo of 48 photos each per minute of exposure. Edited and composed in the astrophoto program. The result is fascinating
  4. I removed the IR filter from the lens and HQ of the camera. I'm sending the final photo, I think it's impressive :)
  5. Hi, have you tried to use a meteotux from a removed IR filter on an HQ camera? Absolutely amazing results! I'm going to build a car camera on a raspberry pi + HQ camera and meteotux. I used to test raspistill 30s exposure with a 222 ° C lens without reduction just placed on the chip. Here is the result
  6. Yes HQ camera Edit: I'll try to upgrade to the buster version Even on a buster, it won't let me go over 10.2s
  7. Even after a complete update, I won't get over 10.2s It's weird
  8. today I did a complete update and I will try and inform
  9. Hi how to reach 200s exposure? Raspistill allows me a maximum of 10.2s more will not let me go! What am I doing wrong?
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