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Posts posted by Dadek

  1. Hi Michael! Thanks for the great tip!

    I have tried the focusing with the paper and it seems to achieve focus I have to expand my guide scope for extra 2.5cm, I did it with the helical focuser. I finally got the chimney focused with 0 gain and exposure around 700 micro seconds! 

    Thank you very very much! I have learned a lot today :)


    with this focusing I can now start PHD2 in the evening and try to fine tune it for stars?

  2. Hello people, I recently got my AP gear and 2 days ago I managed to setup everything and see how it goes. I couldn't find a guide star in PHD2, tried to figure it out alone and I wasted 2 nights already so I need your help.
    I am having issues with guiding in PHD2 because no matter where in the sky I point the telescope I cannot get a star to guide. I usually get heavy TV static and it seems it is related to focusing. HERE is my guiding setup (TS Optics 50mm guider + ZWO ASI 120mm mini). As you can see from the first picture I have tried to move the camera away completely from the guider but I still don't get any stars. Reducing gain to a value of 5 or 10 reduces the static drastically but still no stars. Just a bit of static. Any ideas what else could I try? Since we are at it, a more general (beginner) question... does the guide star have to be in FOV of the object I am trying to photograph?
  3. Hi again guys, thanks a lot for the answers!!!

    My issue is that from my viewpoint I cannot see polaris so I thought that before viewing I will have to use the dials to "allign" at least somewhat.
    Mr. Prusling, do I really need the serial to usb and EQMOD? I thought that the usb from the guide camera to the laptop should be enough? And thank you for the great and detailed info about balancing!

  4. Hi people!

    I got a HEQ5 PRO mount and I plan do to DSO astrophotography. Also, I got one eyepiece just for watching the planets.
    For taking AP pictures the mount will be fully guided by PHD2 and a guide camera. As for viewing the planets I would just use the syncscan.

    What is confusing me are these "circle dials" on the mount. So I have 2 questions:
    1. For astrophotography: since the mount will be guided with PHD2 do I have to touch and use those dials at all?
    2. For super simple viewing: I would use syncscan so I would need to adjust those dials everytime I want to watch planets?

    Sorry for newbie questions, I feel a bit overwhelmed with all the possibilities :)

  5. Hey, I have changed the Nikon as it is prehistoric to a Canon 1100D so it should be fine. 
    Yes, I am shooting from a small town and I plan to get a LP filter, but for starting out I would just do some tests to get used to polar alignment and generally taking pictures since I am completely new to this subject.
    That is also the reason I feel a bit confused with all the software up on the internet and I cannot figure which software would be absolutely needed and which would be nice to have.

  6. Hey people,
    What software (freeware) should I use for DSO astrophotography?
    I scoured the internet and found many many different combinations and it is a bit daunting for a beginner.
    What I know for sure is that I need PHD2 for guiding and I would use Gimp and Stellarium.
    So many programs offer overlaping features and I would like to know which ones are "essential"?


  7. Hello everybody!
    I sold my old Dobs and saved some money so I would try my hand at AP.
    My issue is that I feel overwhelmed with all the information available online.

    I want to take pictures of DSO's and I want to get some "relatively" good gear that should be based on: 

    1. Skywatcher HEQ-5 mount
    2. The camera I own: Nikon D40

    Now, the question is what tube would fit this setup nicely?
    I have these lined up but I don't know which one would be the best (my budget is around 500€ for the tube):
    1. 150/750
    2. 200/1000
    3. Something completely different?

    Also, in your opinion what other (eyepieces, t-adapters, filters) would be necessary for the setup to work?

    Looking forward to your answers!
    Cheers :)

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