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Posts posted by Wyvernp

  1. 1 minute ago, Notty said:

    Thanks for that. I've currently got a Baader Neodymium filter in the train, but maybe the one above is worth a look.

    No worries, it's not arrived yet so can't properly recommend it at all. Hopefully someone else on the forum has experience with it. My reason for buying is I live in a bortle 5 and the lum filter that came with my zwo set won't block any of the lp.

  2. Hi, as a disclaimer I have no direct experience with this at all.  I have heard of people using light pollution or multi band filters to capture their luminance data because of light pollution. Once my Mono camera and filter wheel arrive I'm going to be using https://www.baader-planetarium.com/en/baader-uhc-s--l-booster-filter.html.

    Not sure if that will help in any way.

  3. So I'm overhauling my imaging setup,  and wanted some advice on the setup. 


    I plan to use SGP as my imaging software and PHD2 to guide, the ASI120 as my guide camera and the QHY as my main imaging camera.

    Has anyone any experience with this type of setup? or any recommendations for better components? Bear in mind the QHY163M has already been ordered.




  4. Yes..quite haha

    The Scope is a nexstar 8se with the f6.3 reducer which I know is a very hard scope to learn on but making the most of the equipment I have until I can get an 80mm to learn on.

    Again, until my cmos arrives I'm using my olympus omd e-m10 m4/3

    Focus is using a bahtinov mask.

  5. Good morning, I was hoping I could get some guidance on improving my star shapes. 

    Here's 2 hours of data from M97 last night stacked in siril.


    The nebula itself I think looks ok but the stars are hideous

    Here 2 of the exposures pre and post refocus so I think I have ruled that out, could it be collimation?

    pre refocus


    post refocus


    Thanks in advance.


  6. Hi! Newbie here but I have also put together a focuser for my 8se to avoid the wobble.

    Just needed an aluminium strip, a 1rpm geared motor, some GT2 Pulleys, belt and a few switches.



    The rocker switch controls the focus motor direction, the potentiometer on the side adjusts the speed from 1rpm to .25rpm for fine focusing. Happy to provide links to the parts and wiring diagrams if anyone is interested.

    Eventually I plan to replace it with a myfocuser pro2 if I can get it working...

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  7. Hi All,

    Another beginner astroimager here!

    Like so many others I started out buying a scope for visual but soon realised that not only could I seem much more when I used a camera rather than my eye.

    So currently I've been learning to image on my nexstar 8se with my olympus m4/3 for the last year which is far from ideal to learn on although I recently upgraded the mount to an EQ6-R pro which has made my life at least a little easier and am currently awaiting a QHY163M and wheel to arrive from China.

    Next upgrade will probably be a WO GT81 within the next month or so if funds allow.

    Primarily I'm interested in DSO and galaxy imaging although I'm definitely going to give planetary a shot in a few years when Jupiter/Saturn come a little higher in the sky.

    Looks like you have a great community here and look forward to being a part of it.




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