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Roy Foreman

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Everything posted by Roy Foreman

  1. I have an EQ6 EQ/AZ which is very similar, and I totally agree with your sentiments. It will track unguided for 60 sec at 2m focal length (8" SCT) with very decent results. Sad you had to part with yours - maybe one day you will own another one ?
  2. From the album: Roy Foreman

    M42 Nebula in Orion 18th January 2020 16" F/4.5 Reflector Nikon D810a 5 x 30s at ISO 1600 3 x 5s at ISO 1600 No Filters Processed in Photoshop and Astro Flat Pro
  3. From the album: Roy Foreman

    M37 Open cluster in Auriga 16" F/4.5 Reflector Nikon D810a 1 x 60s at ISO 3200 No filters Processed in Photoshop and Astro Flat Pro
  4. From the album: Roy Foreman

    M27 The Dumbell Nebula in Vulpecula 21st September 2020 16" f/4.5 Reflector ZWO ASI 294 MC 12 x 45s at gain 412 - UV/IR Cut Filter 12 x 45s at gain 412 - Optolong L-enhance Dual Band Filter 50/50 blend Sensor Temp -20 C Processed in Deep sky Stacker and Photoshop
  5. Roy Foreman

    M2-2 2020-09-17

    From the album: Roy Foreman

    M2 globular Cluster in Aquarius 17th September 2020 16" F/4.5 Reflector ZWO ASI 294 MC 12 x 15s at gain 374 Sensor Temp -20 No filters Processed in Deep Sky Stacker and Photoshop
  6. From the album: Roy Foreman

    The North America Nebula in Cygnus 21st September 2017 80mm F/7.5 ED Refractor Nikon D810a 5 x 60s at ISO 6400 IDAS LPR Filter 2 pane mosaic Processed in Photoshop and Star Spikes Pro
  7. From the album: Roy Foreman

    M1 Crab Nebula in Taurus 21st January 2020 16" F/4.5 Reflector Nikon D810a 5 x 60s at ISO 6400 + IDAS LPR Filter 5 x 60s at ISO 6400 + L-enhance dual band filter 65/35 blend Processed in Photoshop and Astro Flat Pro
  8. From the album: Roy Foreman

    M35 and NGC 2158 Open Clusters in Gemini 25th December 2019 16" F/4.5 Reflector Nikon D810a 1 x 60s at ISO 3200 No Filters Processed in Photoshop and Astro Flat Pro
  9. From the album: Roy Foreman

    M13 Globular Cluster in Hercules 8th June 2019 16" F/4.5 Reflector Nikon D810a 1 x 60s at ISO 200 No Filters Processed in Photoshop and Astro Flat Pro
  10. From the album: Roy Foreman

    The Double Cluster in Perseus 20th December 2019 16" F/4.5 Reflector Nikon D810a 1 x 60s at ISO 6400 No filters Processed in photoshop and Astro Flat Pro
  11. Thanks to all who have replied and made me feel welcome !
  12. From the album: Roy Foreman

    The Moon - 3rd January 2020 16" F/4.5 Reflector Nikon D810a 1/320s at ISO 200 Selective Enlargement from Full Frame image
  13. From the album: Roy Foreman

    The Moon -3rd January 2020 16" F/4.5 Reflector Nikon D810a 1/320s at ISO 200 Selective Enlargement from Full Frame image
  14. From the album: Roy Foreman

    M27 The Dumbell Nebula in Vulpecula 17th September 2020 16" F/4.5 Reflector ZWO ASI 294 MC 23 x 60s at Gain 356 No filters Sensor Temp -10 C Processed in Deep Sky Stacker and Photoshop
  15. From the album: Roy Foreman

    The North America Nebula in Cygnus 9th October 2020 Nikon 300mm F/4 Lens Nikon D810a CLS LPR Filter 7 x 30s at ISO 6400 Processed in Photoshop and Astro Flat Pro
  16. Ah yes, I hadn't thought of that ! Bet there will be a lot of unwanted astro gear on the second hand market next year Thanks for the welcome
  17. Hi everyone at SGL My name is Roy, I'm a new member, and I joined back in March 2020 but as yet haven't got round to posting anything. This, my first post, has been inspired by something close to the heart of all astronomers - the weather ! Now I know UK weather isn't great at the best of times, and it's taken a bit more of a hit over the last five years or so - at least in the south west. But for the last four months it has been exceptionally dire. At the end of September 2020 I purchased a RASA 11 to add to my collection of optical paraphernalia. Its arrival inspired the heavens to dump record amounts of rain on the UK. Endless cloudy skies followed. There were two clear nights in October coinciding with full moon - no good for deep sky stuff. November offered up another clear night at the time of a 10 day old moon. No good either. The whole of December was totally clouded out (at night) and January has been the same so far. I have been into astronomy for over 40 years and can't remember ever going so long without a celestial fix. The RASA has spent the first four months of its life standing in the corner of the observatory gathering dust, not photons, It's not only telescopes that are smitten. A couple of months ago I got a pair of 20x80's (my first ever astro binos). Now you don't need clear skies to try binoculars, you can test them in daytime. Their arrival heralded three days of thick fog - arrgghh ! I live on the edge of Exmoor which has some of the darkest skies in the country. Now it seems to have some of the cloudiest too. My non astronomical friends just don't seem to appreciate my despair, hence the motivation to post this tale to a community of people who most definitely will ! I wish you all clear skies - with envy, of course ! Roy
  18. Roy Foreman

    Roy Foreman - Luna Images

    Luna Images from sunrise Observatory
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