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Look left

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Posts posted by Look left

  1. Using Firecapture software in Astroberry Raspberry Pi through VNC on laptop.

    Everything works fine however trying to get the Hitecastro Focuser to work in Firecapture there is a problem in that it won’t initialize to show the Ascom list of focusers so you can tell it which one your using?

    If I go Firecapture direct through laptop it works fine. If I use Ekos for focuser it also works fine.

    so I assume it’s something to do with Firecapture in Astroberry that’s malfunctioning or not picking up the focuser. It’s the. Latest Firecapture with the download into Raspberry Pi 2.7 I think. Any one with suggestions ?

  2. Vineyard I,m looking to get into Solar imaging and can get a Lunt LS50 Tha but with a 400 filter , I also would use the DMK 41 Mono camera . How have you gained focus on your unit ? Have you put a Baader click unit straight onto the diagonal?

    any assistance appreciated.

  3. Thanks for your replies guys it has a helical focusser. I,d put the Baader click lock short extension fitting directly on the diagonal to try and acheive fovus. It's good to know you can use the B400 filter to image with.

    is there a forum discussion on this point and I,d appreciate a link to it .

  4. Excellent Laurieast , that gets rid of them from the file list which is great , however is there a way to delete them from the folder there taken from ?

    ie Main file on Desktop M31 200 images. Using DSS we have reduced them to 80 .

    Is there a way to automatically reduce the Desktop M31 down to 80 images.? This reduces the file size as well as just retaining the best 80 images , so maybe later when the weather is not so good then if you want to reprocess the image then it's already the best ones to work on.

  5. Don,t know if this is the right place to ask this question ,if so sorry.

    In DSS i have 200 images loaded i,ve analysed the images then put in the threshold  for say 80 of them so checked these 80 . I know I can just delete the poor 120 images and just leave the 80 , create a file list and save it. Then if i want to reload these I can just go to filelist and load them.

    The question is how can i delete the 120 images from my original folder with the 200 images in and just leave 80 best images in the folder?

    I could look at filelist and individually delete each image not on the filelist but this seems wrong and laborious.

    Any suggestions please.

  6. Sorry Bilbo they are both Protec versions so will check out the distances.Bilbo it's either the Altaire 183c pro or then ZWO 533 c pro .

    i,ve  put The ZWO 533 on the ASIair and took image with this set up with 110 mm back focus or a little bit more and get focal length to be 1023 mm fl.

    not the 948 mm I was expecting so I,lol redo with different spacers to get the f ration down a bit.

  7. I,m looking at the ZWO EAF focusser for my Celestron 6SE. The bracket that you can buy from ZWO does not fit the 6SE model only 8 and above.

    does anyone have a 3D model that would fit the 6" ? 

    This is the one with a direct coupling between motor and focus shaft, not the belt drive one that you can get on Thingyverse.

  8. Bilbo it's either the Altaire 183c pro or then ZWO 533 c pro .

    i,ve  put The ZWO 533 on the ASIair and took image with this set up with 110 mm back focus or a little bit more and get focal length to be 1023 mm fl.

    not the 948 mm I was expecting so I,lol redo with different spacers to get the f ration down a bit.

  9. Cheers Bilbo will have a play around as I,ve got different spacers. That's at the recommended 110 mm back focus.

    it definitely gives a wider veiw however as I,m wanting to do EAA with the SCT it's the f 6.3 that I,m after so I,lol try and get it faster as it means shorter image time.

  10. Cannot find an Ascom driver for the CEM 26 ? 

    Seen them for Cem 40 and 60 . Is it on its way ,do I need it , will one of the others do.

    i get Ioptron Commander so choose CEM 26 and then put Commander in charge.  Is this the same ?

    then trying to get Stellarium to run mount and choose Ascom but it doesn't work.

  11. Yeagh Noah your  right the clearance is an issue so I,m putting it onto my CEM 26. !! The scope comes in at just over 4 kgs and mount can manage 5-6 kgs so will give it a try when we get clearer sky's.

    A couple of friends at the Astro club are going through the same problem and they've come up with using the flip mirror attachement after the reducer this is acting as the spacer? Haven't tried it yet.

    so SCT,Crayford,reducer,flip mirror,maybe some shims,camera.

    i,lol let you know if it works.

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