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Everything posted by Danon

  1. Maybe a little bit, but I didin't want to push it lower.
  2. @vlaiv I agree with everything. I like criticism, so I appreciate your comment! I have three different stacks and two of them have a pretty color star. This have well color balance on m31 but most of stars were purple or blue. I don't know why and I didin't know which stars should be blue and which not, so I change only purple-looking ones. Probably some day, I will try to switch those stars colors from different stack, to this one. Also about background, in corners flat didin't work as much I've expected. I tried to make a pseudo-flat and that is result - too smooth background. Personally, I don't like too much dark point in photos and most of time, I tried to keep background at about 20 levels in photoshop. But this time, when I left background at that point, contrast betwen m31 and backgrond looks foggy, and my friends told me to push it lower. I'm impressed that you saw my "trick" in background. You are the first one problably
  3. Hello, Its my first image with Nikon and second of M31. I'm very satisfied with change from Canon 1100D. I was try to keep "natural look" of galaxy Nikon D750 + Esprit 100 ED. 40x300s from pretty dark sky Enjoy Lucas
  4. Thanks all. I appreciate that. @glafnazur Yes, icx694 is great sensor and processing images are just pleasure
  5. Updating image with new one. This is 98x600s and 77xOIII. Summary time is about 29hrs Enjoy Astrobin <---
  6. Thanks all. @Adam J I'm still wondering if I really manage to carry it. Lots of my stars are "egg shaped", but not on whole image. Still Isn't look like bad spacing, because they not are directed into middle of image. Maybe its because I'm shooting from city and seeing are often bad. For now I just ignore it. RMS on oag is about 1" and I think I can't make it better.
  7. Hi. It's my "first" light from new scope Esprit 100. After a long fight with tilt on my camera and lack of good weather, finally some frames were gathered. This is 38x 600s Ha, and 28x OIII from city in Poland. It's only half of the planned time. Finnaly I would like to have at least 20h+ of total exposure time. Esprit 100/550 with Atik 460ex on HEQ5.
  8. Hi, I'm looking for some samples of images from Esprit 100 with 0.79 Focal reducer. I already saw topic below, but I'm looking for more samples If anyone has this scope with FR I'll be glad if you send some Fits/raw to me Many thanks, Lucas
  9. Thanks all for comments I appreciate that you like it.
  10. Hi, this will be my first topic at DSO, and also my first completed image from Narrowband. Frames taken in bortle 6 in Poland. About 4h in Ha and 4h in OIII. Im still learning and tries to make my own workflow. All comments are welcome Equipment is Astro-tech 65Q HEQ5 Atik 460EX mono and Baader filters. Lucas
  11. @tooth_dr many thanks! So my next step is to aquire tilter
  12. I know that I have some problem with tilt but on Ha there were smaller differences. It could be only tilt problem? Why on L is so huge comapres to Ha? Now I saw that on Ha also right side have diferent stars. Due to narrowband wavelenght differences are less visible?
  13. @tooth_dr sure. Two JPEG L and B STF from Pixinsight. B looks better for me. On L, look at stars on right side I have no experience with camera, but Ha was good from city. And I tried to stack these L of m33 and it was very poor result
  14. Hi, I've bought a new setup about month ago. I have Atik 460EX, AT 65/420 quadruplet, qhy cfw2 7x36mm with all baader filters. I didin't have motofocuser yet and all focus was on 10s frames loaded into Maxim to check FHWM. I've gather some Ha material from city and I was very happy about them. But when It comes to OIII, it was a little disappointment. All frames was a little fogy and bend. OIII require good conditions, so I said to my self "ok I try with no moon" But when new moon cames, I went to moutains on sky 21.6 mag to test LRGB. My goal was M33. I focus 10s frame. Ok 1.8 fwhm, lets try - and result was horrible. Completly "milky/fogy" detail. FWHM was 4.5 on every LRGB fitler. Ok maybe still its bad conditions, because fog was in valley. Next day I went to better spot with no fog and very clear sky. Some of my companions have excelent frames but my... Was still the same. So I tried OIII and SII. Still detail was fogy and unclear. I don't know what's wrong? I wasted 4 days with no moon on doing fogy frames. Ofcourse I have heater on telescope, optic was clear. My friend also give me bahtinov mask, and on bahtinov focus was perfect, also on 10s frames fwhm was 1.7-1.9. The one thing, that cames to my mind, that I didin't chech is that filters haven't dew. But my FW is closed and all of connections are on rings. It is possible that camera/filter have dew too? I don't know what to do and now everything except Ha is ruined. I attatch some frames to you guys to check what is look like. I sort frames from city and from trip. https://drive.google.com/open?id=188b1QXe0VVZ-vv17zNodiLvwL4FjObJk
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