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Everything posted by kunene

  1. Do you have any cheap solution for powering DSLR from Eagle Core?
  2. Thanks Steve One grouse I have with PLL is that their cables are very expensive. And they made the connections proprietary so that you can't get the cables elsewhere. I have their plus rings systems , though very expensive, they are well machined and beautiful. I have the tube rings, guide rings, and dovetail bars. I bought a cigarette lighter outlet cable from them. This lets me use the connection to power two different mount for cable management. Instead of buying mount specific cables. The idea is that only one power source goes to the unit and it supplies every part of your rig. But those cables are very expensive and I am finding it difficult bringing to buy an ordinary cable for £80. I think it is unfair . That is the reason a lot of people are staying away from the products. Otherwise, it should power the DSLR, Focuser and even dew heater and other equipments.
  3. Meanwhile , I communicated with the CEO of PLL. I suggested a number of improvements for Eagle Core like the addition of autofocusing feature for their Sesto Senso focuser. I also suggested adding a polar alignment feature and even platesolving feature and a few other improvements . Out of those suggestions, I am not quite sure which ones will be limited by hardware. Obviously, hardware limitations will be a stumbling block, depending on how much memory the device is capable of. Perhaps there is a way they can overhaul the OS and make it possible to add an external memory probably through one of the USB ports. That way, there may even be an option of Eagle Core support for CMOS cameras. But I am unsure whether the processor will be equal to the task. Of course, they will never tell you that something is not possible but he said that new features will continue to be added. He did say that in the next few days, they will be releasing an update which will add support for the second generation of Sesto Senso focuser which was introduced a couple of mounts ago. There will also be support for Essato microfucoser from PLL. He never confirmed whether there will be autofocusing which is actually very important. Eagle Core has a lot of potential, especially since it is also a cable and power management system and they should up their game and overtake asiair and Stellarmate in sales. I guess they made it that minimal because they have other much powerful and much expensive Eagle Systems. But that was before asiair and Stellarmate came out and started selling at a lower price than Eagle Core but with a lot more features like plate solving, polar alignment, autofocusing and Cmos Camera control. Now asiair pro has added cable management and will soon be adding livestacking all at the same price point . I have read in forums where they advise potential buyers to go for either Stellarmate or asiair when they inquire about Eagle Core. Eagle Core has to change with the times or be forced out of the market. The is my epistle to PLL
  4. Yeah. It is the version 2.6 that added support for Celestron mounts along with Skywatcher mounts which it already supports from version 2.5. That version also makes it possible to control the mounts with eagle core and skysafari plus or pro without needing an additional Wi-Fi hardware.
  5. Hi Dinoboy I am curious on why you decided to by Eagle Core when th ere is the new ASIAir Pro? Don't you think ASIAir would have been more useful to you? Is there something more special about the Eagle core? D
  6. Why did you say something you don't know with so much authority? Yes , it does work .
  7. Please also help to suggest to them to add a platesolving feature as well as a polar alignment routine. I think these improvements can be made through software update. I think a polar alignment routine will be easier for the to add. There is probably a way to add plate solving .
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