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Posts posted by markse68

  1. Thanks Vlav, I get the wave cancellation bit but it was the “ so it doesn’t reflect in first place” leading to increased transmission that I don’t get. But I think what you’re saying is the wave function cancels so the probability reduces of the photon appearing after the “reflection” and increased probability of it being transmitted? 🤔

  2. On 10/10/2019 at 15:36, markse68 said:

    Just arrived- my new compact 13mm eyepiece... 😂


    First light last night- now I really understand the kidney beaning thing 😳 I guess they never intended you to see the field stop AND the rest of the field . Nice view though if you don’t try  to see the full field 😉

    Galoc is nice too- bit of distortion at the edge but nice wide view 

    • Like 1
  3. Beautiful sketch Mike- I spent quite a long time last night gazing in wonder at that very feature - it looked like the cornea of a giant eyeball the way it was positioned

    • Thanks 1
  4. 8 hours ago, F15Rules said:


    Anyone got any further info on this ep, such as field of view, or night time testing? 


    Just did a comparison and the afov is about the same a a standard plossl. In pic below it’s about the same as the 32mm plossl. It’s a bit smaller than the Tal 25mm- my example of which seems to have an enlarged field stop (and consequent soft focus edges) which matches the Pentax XF ( 60deg afov) but it is a fair bit  bigger than the silly 1.25” 40mm plossl which is more like an ortho afov 🤦‍♂️ So probably the same as a 2” 55mm plossl but shorter more practical eye relief 



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    • Thanks 1
  5. I do often feel quite vulnerable at my regular viewing site on a common in SE London. Especially when cars slow down to see what I’m up to... There’s a pub nearby and so a steady stream of groups coming and going. I quite often get approached with a “what are you doing- what the [removed word] is that?!?” and at times I’ve been really apprehensive about their approach. But touch wood the usual response after I’ve told them and invited them to have a look at Jupiter or the moon is a genuine thank you and regular hand shakes! Even drugged up yoofs! It turns from fear to a warm feeling inside in an instant. I guess it helps that my scope is and looks exactly like a big piece of plastic drain pipe- not the most theft worthy looking piece of fine optical equipment out there 😉

    Probably  the worst thing about the site is the regular passing of emergency vehicles with their intense blue flashing lights that I can’t seem to help but look directly at and then curse my stupidity 🤦‍♂️ And a couple of times I’ve had a police helicopter seemingly take a great deal of interest in what I was up to 😳

    • Like 1
  6. That’s awesome man- glad you saw it too

    😊 It is spectacular isn’t it! And to think it should get better and better as the winter months progress- if only we get a few clear nights 😉

    what surprised me about the Trapezium was that the stars seemed to have dimension! I don’t know if that’s diffusion from the nebulosity or perhaps my mirrors had dewed  up but I couldn’t focus them to pin points- it’s was like they were smeared a  little bit 🤷‍♂️ 

    Anyway, looking forward to many more views in the coming months 😊

  7. Have you tried running the 2A motor on 0.4A Astro Geek? It’s probably too low but I think the 2A rating is max cont current- you can run them lower with reduced torque , but cooler and quieter if it’s enough

    edit- apologies I should have read the rest of your posts more carefully 🤦‍♂️

    “Consequently, the non-geared Nema 17 wasn't man enough to step, so it did need gearing.”


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