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Posts posted by Varavall

  1. 33 minutes ago, andymw said:

    Just saw this photo and thought I would mention that you can flip those focusser wheels so that your EAF doesn't stick out of the front.  You could also ditch the finder scope and add an OAG thus getting rid of the guide scope.  

    Thanks for the comments, but the EAF works just fine that way round, but to use an OAG with my guide camera would just put extra stress on the focuser, not to mention all that work with back focus and no doubt more expense. As my setup gives me PHD2 RMS of 0.3-0.9, depending on seeing, I can do 15 minute subs without problems. So as they say, if it ain't broke don't fix it!

  2. 50 minutes ago, Anthonyexmouth said:

    A good quality USB3 active/powered cable + a powered USB3 hub is gonna cost over £100,

    The RRP of a 10m Startech USB 3 active cable is around £170  and the hubs are £50-115 depending on number of ports. So say over £200! But the Mele at £500 ish is water impermeable? Thinking of those heavy dews. You pays your money and takes your choice. I sit in the comfort of my home with the cables running through the wall. 

  3. 5 hours ago, OK Apricot said:

    What about cable length? My EQDIR cable is 5m - I wonder if that's a bit long and the laptop sends/receives questionable signals? 


    I use a 10m Startech active powered USB 3 cable (expensive but very good) and that sorted out the problems I had which you are having now. Until I save the pennies and go for a Pegasus Powerbox, I connect the filter wheel and HEQ5 EQMOD cable to the USB 2 hub on my ASI1600MM which connects to the Startech, and the ZWO EAF and guide camera to a separate USB 2 mini-hub on a 15m powered USB 2 cable (cheap and cheerful), both running to my laptop in the house. Yes, I use NINA and PHD2 also.


    • Like 1
  4. 1 hour ago, wookie1965 said:

    Can any body tell me where I can purchase a 5v at least 50cm

    I was wondering if a piece of velcro strip could be used to compete the circle using the product here https://www.amazon.co.uk/Temperature-Regulator-Universal-Telescopes-Eyepieces/dp/B08LGRVF9C giving you the 50cm needed. I have one of these and do not use the regulator as mine would cut out after a few hours and needed to be reset, but without the regulator it gets nice and warm and I have never had any dew issues on my 80mm scope, so maybe a solution to heat a larger aperture. If you are Amazon Prime you can return it free of charge if no good.


    • Like 1
  5. 2 hours ago, Neil H said:

    If you change scopes during a session do you need to do a star alignment again


    If you are doing photography and using plate solving there won't be a problem. If visual, well when I have a software glitch and lose connection to the my HEQ5, I hit park to home position so EQMOD thinks its moved the telescope there, I then go to the telescope and release the clutches to place the scope in the home position. I then go and reset the software and when I reconnect over EQMOD I unpark and it slews correctly. So in a long winded way, I think you should be OK. If using the hand controller, then park, power off, change scopes, release clutches and re-balance, put scope back to home position, tighten clutches and Bob's your uncle.


  6. Hi all

    I searched the sky for an appropriate Ha target as there was a full moon, so I plumped for NGC7822. in Cepheus.

    Location: My home, Terra Alta, Tarragona, Spain the night of 9th September 2022. Without the Moon usually Bortle 3/4.

    Kit: SW HEQ5 Pro Rowan belted; SW 200pds with SW coma corrector; ZWO 1600MM-cool; filters Astrodon 5nm Ha and Tru balance RGB; guided with QHY5III462C on TS 80mm finder/guider; software CdeC, PHD2 and NINA.

    Subs: 17 x 900s Ha; 2 x 120s each RGB for capturing stars.

    Calibrated, aligned and stacked in ASTAP; processed in Starnet and GIMP. Using the Ha as luminence channel also.

    Colour chosen to give best detail, at least to my old eyes.




    • Like 5
  7. 18 minutes ago, yelsac said:

    I see most seem to go towards ZWO.

    Hi Andrew

    Because they want to integrate with ASIair, and QHY's don't work with them. I also have the ZWO ASI1600MM so I am not anti-ZWO, but I don't want to be limited to just using ZWO.  Disparate products can be run through the Pegasus Powerboxes for example. The QHY has a smaller form factor so depending on the setup that may be an advantage. As they say, you pays your money and takes your choice!

  8. Hi

    A good upgrade would be to the QHY5III462C at around £219 with IR850nm and IR block filters or £249 with methane, IR pass and UV/IR block filters. At IR it acts virtually as a mono camera and makes an excellent guide camera and with the filter makes an excellent colour planetary camera. I love it purely for guiding, but soon will put it through it's paces when the planets are at the meridian at a reasonable hour.

    I made the move QHY5-lI-C to the QHY5III462C.


  9. Hi

    Below are 2 mosaics of M31 the top one from ASTAP and the bottom from APP. The subs are all luminance of 300s taken on the same night, then processed in ASTAP and APP. The resulting 6 panel mosaics show different issues. ASTAP has gaps between some of the panels, whereas APP shows different background luminosities for each panel. I guess there are two questions: 1. How best to eliminate the gaps in ASTAP; and 2. How to equalize the backgrounds in APP. I'm all ears for the solutions!



  10. 16 hours ago, Jon Pither said:

    Any recommendations / advice where to look, to find someone?



    I would suggest looking in the mirror, then going to a well known online emporium and  buying a stand to hold the drill (assuming you have a drill) and appropriate size drill bit and tap. Probably be cheaper than paying someone to do what is a very simple job and you will have the tools to do the job again! 


    • Like 1
  11. Hi all

    Looks like I'm first out the trap, probably because of the lousy weather in the UK; lucky you 😁

    IC59 - Ghost of Cassiopeia. Taken on night of 5th September from my home in the mountains of Tarragona. SW 200pds, HEQ5 with Rowan belts, ZWO ASI1600MM-Cool, Astrodon Tru balance RGB, Astrodon 5nm Ha, Optolong 7.5nm Sii & Oiii, Guider TS 80mm with QHY5III462C. Software NINA, PHD2, ASTAP, GIMP & Starnet.

    Images: 11 x 600s Ha; 10 x 600s Sii; 9 x 600s Oiii; 10 x 120s each for RGB.

    Aligned and stacked in ASTAP; processed in GIMP and star removal by Starnet.



    • Like 14
  12. On 03/09/2022 at 16:22, ObscuredView said:

    does anyone have first hand experience of these  usb3.0 active extension cables


    I use a Startech 10m active USB 3 cable which I run from inside the house to the mount. It has worked flawlessly over the past 18 months and is out in all weathers, well the business end with the power supply are protected by the clamshell cover during inclement days. Cost me around £100, but worth every penny for glitch free nights. I did try the Amazon USB3 cables, but beyond 1.5m they are useless!


  13. 19 hours ago, pipnina said:

    But what if I should use this as an opportunity for an even better solution?


    I did similar by going to my local scrapyard and got a piece of 10mm aluminium alloy plate (cost about £1) and drilled and tapped some holes then attached my TS 80mm finder/guider scope to the top of the main scope. Rock solid! You can see it if you look past the cables (now tidied up) in the photo. The Zwo guide camera has gone and been replaced with the lovely QHY5III462C which is almost a mono camera when used with the IR pass filter.



  14. 21 hours ago, Elp said:

    Have you tried manually aligning each stack by their corresponding stars in gimp?



    Yes I did try. The problem seems to be in two plates only in Oiii, so when I move those stars to coincide with the other channels, the stars from the other 2 plates move out of alignment. I tried aligning and stacking each plate, then mosaicking each channel, then aligning the mosaicked channels before importing into GIMP, and I got the same misalignment in 2 of the plates. Looks as if there is a problem with the astronometric alignment in ASTAP. As its only the Oiii channel, I think I will need to run another imaging session for all 4 plates and see what happens, if the clouds part before it gets too low and the Moon comes again.

    21 hours ago, Elp said:

    I basically do a nights imaging with one filter, stack, pre process then import into PS. Use one stack (usually ha) as the reference on the bottom layer

    Exactly how I did it.

  15. I have created a 4 panel mosaic of the Lagoon Nebula, but as can be seen the Oiii channel is out of sync on 1 or 2 panels. My process was to capture Ha for each panel, then Oiii and then Sii over 3 nights, then stack, align and mosaic each channel, then align each mosaic. Is that the best way or would it be better to do all the channels for each panel over say 4 nights? The images are 5x each NB for 300 seconds each, then aligned ,stacked and mosaicked in ASTAP and processed in GIMP. Equipment- HEQ5 Pro rowan mod, SW 200pds, ZWO ASI1600MM-cool, Astrodon 5nm HA, Optolong 7.5nm Oiii and Sii, controlled by NINA. Any hints most welcome. Ignore the excessive green hue.

    PS I have learned that I need aa beefier computer and a camera rotator. All donations kindly accepted 😉



  16. 2 minutes ago, Rustang said:

    someone possibly got a bargain

    If that's what they like to call it 😆 Solar scopes appear quite often in the secondary marketplace so keep looking and prepare to pounce.

    • Like 1
  17. 4 minutes ago, Rustang said:

    Are the tilt tuned versions not as expensive as the £3,315 examples

    Well the tilt tuned version sells in the US for $1500, but seem unavailable in Europe/UK at the moment. The ones at FLO are pressure tuned and are multipurpose (i.e. night and solar) and are clearly much more expensive.

  18. 39 minutes ago, Rustang said:

    it's pretty obvious it's way to cheap so rings alarm bells already

    £850 seems about half price of new. It's not a pressure tuned version, but a tilt tuned version.

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