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Everything posted by AndyUK

  1. Thanks Dave - It looks as though my error is trying to use the ball-head for framing rather than relying on the "fine tuning mount assembly"...
  2. Hi Dave, I do have a hot-shoe mounted RDF and of course once calibrated that makes it easy to get to the closest high mag/named star (which I can just about manage using my phone to help :))... it’s just that hop from that star to the DSO I struggle with, especially when I’ve been trying to use the ball-head (ie not RA buttons / DEC knob on the adjuster)...
  3. I'm fairly new to my Adventurer - I bought it last October/November so that I can take it abroad but I've been monitoring this thread for some time and have to say I'm very enthused about the prospects . With a mate's assistance, we took mine out for a test last weekend - The transparency was atrocious, but we went through the process of setting it up and all seemed to perform pretty much in line with what I expect to be using it for... However, as I've always used a goto mount (and/or platesolve), I knew that was one thing I was going to miss badly when trying to find DSO's at longer FL - To my shame, starhopping doesn't come naturally to me . However, we thought we'd see how a 70-200/f2.8 would perform - No problem getting Arcturus in the frame and again, tracking / focus looked promising, so we thought we'd see if we could get M3 on the sensor @ 200mm... and failed miserably... even when zoomed out to 70mm! Unfortunately using setting circles was / is also beyond us both (again, FAR too used to the simplicity of goto / EQMOD / platesolving!), but I did find an interesting article for manual goto using dead reckoning on DPReview, so thought I'd post it here in case anyone else is in the same boat as me. A “Manual Goto” method for use with the Star Adventurer mount When using a simple mount like the Skywatcher Star Adventurer with a telephoto lens to photograph faint deep sky objects, the problem arises of how to locate the target. This is a manual GoTo method that allows the mount to be moved from a known position to a desired new target position using dead reckoning. It only works if the camera is mounted on the Star Adventurer “Fine Tuning Mounting Assembly”: the necessary control is lost if the camera is mounted on a ballhead. The method makes use of the fact that object coordinates in the RA/Dec system are readily available (ie Stellarium app) so that a move from one place to another can be easily described in terms of a change in RA and a change in Dec coordinates. The key is that the motor on the mount only moves the imaging camera in RA, and the control knob on the Dec bracket only moves the camera in Dec. Thus, the necessary RA correction is made with the motor (and the N/S direction slider) and then the necessary Dec correction is made by turning the control knob on the Dec bracket. The detailed procedure is as follows. · Find the coordinates (RA in hours / minutes / seconds; Dec in degrees / arcminutes / arcseconds) of an “easily identifiable star” near the target · Find the coordinates (RA, Dec) of the target. · Work out how many minutes RA must change to move from the initial star to the target and how many degrees Dec must change to move from the initial star to the target · Calculate the direction (S or N on the mount three position slider) and time that the mount needs to run at 12x speed to make the necessary RA correction: · Observers in Northern Hemisphere: For every minute increase in RA coordinate, the SA has to run [S, 12x] for 4.62 seconds. For every minute decrease in RA coordinate, the SA has to run [N, 12x] for 5.45 seconds NOTE: Opposite for Southern Hemisphere · Calculate the number of rotations of the Dec adjustment knob that are needed to make the Dec correction, given that I measured one full rotation of the knob to be equivalent to 2.95 degrees. The knob has 10 ridges on it, so it’s easy to make 1/10 of a turn, or about 0.3 degrees. If Dec needs to increase, the knob must be turned so that the camera turns towards the N celestial pole. If Dec needs to decrease, the knob must be turned so that camera turns away from the N celestial pole · Get the mount polar aligned and turn tracking on at the normal 1x rate and direction · Centre the camera on the “easily identifiable star” · Make the RA adjustment [turn tracker off; set N-S slider appropriately; set speed to 12x; wait the required time; turn tracker off, set N-S slider appropriately for normal tracking; turn normal tracking back on] · Make the Dec adjustment I’ve tested the procedure (Northern hemisphere settings) by moving from Elnach to a point between the Jellyfish nebula and the Shoe-buckle cluster. · The overall angle between Elnach and the target was 11 degrees and 45 minutes Initial star (Elnath) is at: RA 5h 27m 31s Dec 28 degrees 37’ 15” The target was at: RA 6h 14m 56s Dec 23 degrees 28’ 19” Difference: RA + 47.5m Dec - 5 degrees 9 m · Location after the GoTo move: RA 6h 11m 25s, Dec 23 degrees 40’ 15” Error: RA – 3.5m Dec + 12m Overall, these errors mean that the image centre was about 50 arcminutes from the desired target. A 300mm lens on an APS-C camera has an angle of view of about 5 degrees so an error of less than a degree means, with this sensor size and focal length, that the target will be within the field of view after the GoTo move. Has anyone used a process such as this (or something similar?). If anyone has any experience/tips on framing at longer FL, please pile in .
  4. For focusing, I know many simply open the lens up, ISO 25,600, zoom in 10x, centre a nice bright star and then bring it in and out of focus until happy that it's as good (small) as they can get it. However, I'm a great fan of bahtinov masks... There are 2 main types - Those that clip into the lens filter thread, and etched filters that slide into square filter holders. The clip in masks are a lot cheaper, but when I tried one I found the view using a 24mm lens (even f1.4 / ISO 25,600, live view 10x zoom) was too dim for me. There are also Y masks which might be brighter (but I've not tried one of those with a lens - Maybe someone else can comment?). I use an etched filter - There are two I know of - Lonely speck and Kase. Not cheap, and I have to admit I do struggle seeing the "whiskers" at 24mm, but it works pretty well at 70mm . (For framing I also have a hot-shoe mounted red-dot finder, but I've not used mine yet as I've only used 24mm and 70mm lenses so far...)
  5. From the album: Moravian 8300

    OTA: Pentax 75SDHF CCD: Moravian G2-8300 (Internal filter wheel) Filter: Astrodon Ha 3nm Guiding: OAG/Lodestar Exposure: 4 x 1800s (1x1 bin) Processing: Photoshop CC Date: February 2019

    © Andy Smallman

  6. AndyUK

    Moravian 8300

  7. That's a lovely field for this pair, James - As Scott noted, for many it would take many nights to cover all this... and the fact that this is just 1 hour's worth of data is really quite phenomenal
  8. AndyUK

    IC1396 - Ha

    From the album: Moravian 8300

    Mount: NEQ6 Camera: Moravian G2-8300 / Lodestar OAG Filter: Astrodon Ha 3nm Scope: APM 80/f6 & 0.75x Riccardi Reducer Exposure: 19 x 1200s (6 on 27/4, 13 on 29/4)

    © Andy Smallman

  9. A superb result, Steve... (And the next project will be...?!)
  10. Words fail me... totally... Huge commitment, an incredible accomplishment and an almost unbelievable result - Congratulations to you both!
  11. AndyUK

    Atik 460

    Images taken with the Atik 460EX, Astrodon LRGB, Baader Ha/SII/OIII filters and Synguider/Lodestar
  12. AndyUK

    IC1805 - HST Palette

    From the album: Atik 460

    IC1805 - HST Palette 9x1200s Ha - 2nd September 2013 8x1800s OIII - 3rd September 2013 11x1800s SII - 4th September 2013 (30 flats, 51 bias, -10C) APM80/f6 & Riccardi Reducer. Data Capture via Maxim DL (CdC and EQMOD), OAG pulse guided via Lodestar through Maxim. Stacked in DSS, processed and tonemapped in CS5 NOTE: Image cropped due to misalignment of camera...
  13. From the album: Atik 460

    IC1805 Ha - 460EX First light 9x1200s Ha, (30 flats, 51 bias, -10C) APM80/f6 & Riccardi Reducer. Data Capture via Maxim DL (CdC and EQMOD), OAG pulse guided via Lodestar through Maxim. Stacked in DSS, processed in CS5 (levels, curves and Hi Pass Filter). NOTE: Corner stars eggy, possibly due to under spacing and/or sensor tilt... Investigation required, but okay for a 1st light... 2nd September 2013
  14. AndyUK

    Atik 314L+

    Images taken with the Atik 314L+, Astrodon LRGB, Baader Ha/SII/OIII filters and Synguider/Lodestar
  15. From the album: Atik 314L+

    APM80/f6 & Riccardi Reducer. Data Capture via Maxim DL (CdC and EQMOD), ST4 guiding using Lodestar through finderscope via PHD. Stacked in DSS, processed in CS5 (levels, curves and Hi Pass Filter). Mosaic created through Microsoft ICE, Ha and OIII frames registered via Registar (Ha mapped to Red, OIII to Blue, False green channel created via Noel's actions),. Stars partially removed via J-P Metsavainio remove stars action Ha data capture: Pane 1 - 1st April 2013 - 15 x 900s Pane 2 - 2nd April 2013 - 17 x 900s Pane 3 - 3rd April 2013 - 17 x 900s Pane 4 - 5th April 2013 - 14 x 900s Pane 5 - 6th April 2013 - 15 x 900s Pane 6 - 12th April 2013 - 12 x 900s Pane 7 - 19th April 2013 - 11 x 900s & 29th April 2013 - 9 x 900s Pane 8 - 19th April 2013 - 8 x 900s & 29th April 2013 - 9 x 900s Pane 9 - 30th April 2013 - 20 x 900s Pane 10 - 1st May 2013 - 20 x 900s Pane 11 - 5th May 2013 - 20 x 900s Pane 12 - 6th May 2013 - 20 x 900s Total: 206 x 900s (51Hrs 30 mins) OIII data capture: Pane 1 - 8th May 2013 14x1200s Pane 2 - 15th May 2013 14x1200s Pane 3 - 16th May 2013 14x1200s Pane 4 - 19th May 2013 10x1200s, 7th June 7x1200s Pane 5 - 5th June 10x1200s, 6th June 10x1200s, Pane 6 - 26th May 2013 13x1200s, 4th June 13x1200s Pane 7 - 2nd June 2013 14x1200s Pane 8 - 25th June 2013 12x1200s Total: 131 x 1200s (43Hrs 40mins) TOTAL TO DATE (7th June 2013): 95 hours 10 mins (30 flats / session and 50 bias, -15C)
  16. AndyUK

    IC1396 - Tone mapped

    From the album: Atik 314L+

    First crack at Tone mapped image using IC1396 data from last year...
  17. From the album: Atik 314L+

    APM80/f6 & Riccardi Reducer. Data Capture via Maxim DL (CdC and EQMOD), ST4 guiding using Lodestar through finderscope via PHD. Stacked in DSS, processed in CS5 (levels, curves and Hi Pass Filter). Mosaic created through Microsoft ICE Data capture: Pane 1 - 1st April 2013 - 15 x 900s Pane 2 - 2nd April 2013 - 17 x 900s Pane 3 - 3rd April 2013 - 17 x 900s Pane 4 - 5th April 2013 - 14 x 900s Pane 5 - 6th April 2013 - 15 x 900s Pane 6 - 12th April 2013 - 12 x 900s Pane 7 - 19th April 2013 - 11 x 900s & 29th April 2013 - 9 x 900s Pane 8 - 19th April 2013 - 8 x 900s & 29th April 2013 - 9 x 900s Pane 9 - 30th April 2013 - 20 x 900s Pane 10 - 1st May 2013 - 20 x 900s Pane 11 - 5th May 2013 - 20 x 900s Pane 12 - 6th May 2013 - 20 x 900s Total: 206 x 900s (51.5 Hrs) (30 flats / session and 50 bias, -15C)
  18. AndyUK

    M101 LRGB

    From the album: Atik 314L+

    APM80/f6, Riccardi Reducer. Luminance - 16 x 600s( (3rd April 2013) RGB - 20 x 180s each (5th April 2013) and 20 x 180s each (6th April 2013) 30 flats, 50 bias each Data Capture via Maxim DL (CdC and EQMOD), ST4 guiding using Lodestar through finderscope via PHD. Stacked in DSS, processed in CS5 and with Noel's actions
  19. AndyUK

    M101 LHaRHaGB

    From the album: Atik 314L+

    MN190, 52 x 600s Ha, 30 x 600s L, 12 x 600s R, 12 x 600s G, 12 x 600s B, (30 flats each, 50 Bias). Data Capture via Maxim DL (CdC and EQMOD), ST4 guiding using Lodestar through finderscope via PHD. L captured 14th February, Ha captured 19th, 20th February and 2nd March, RGB captured 13th March 2013
  20. From the album: Atik 314L+

    APM80/f6, Riccardi Reducer, 20 x 180s each RGB (30 flats each, 50 Bias). Data Capture via Maxim DL (CdC and EQMOD), ST4 guiding using Lodestar through finderscope via PHD. Stacked in DSS, registered in Registar, processed in CS5 (levels and curves only), Gradient Xterminator and Noel's actions used 1st April 2013 - FIRST LIGHT
  21. AndyUK

    M44 RGB

    From the album: Atik 314L+

    APM80/f6, Riccardi Reducer, 20 x 180s each RGB (30 flats each, 50 Bias). Data Capture via Maxim DL (CdC and EQMOD), ST4 guiding using Lodestar through finderscope via PHD. Stacked in DSS, registered in Registar, processed in CS5 (levels and curves) and using Noels Actions and Gradient Xterminator. 2nd April 2013
  22. From the album: Atik 314L+

    APM80/f6, Riccardi Reducer, 15 x 900s Ha, (30 flats, 50 Bias). Data Capture via Maxim DL (CdC and EQMOD), ST4 guiding using Lodestar through finderscope via PHD. Stacked in DSS, processed in CS5 (levels and curves only) 1st April 2013 - FIRST LIGHT
  23. AndyUK

    M1 - Ha(G)OIII

    From the album: Atik 314L+

    MN190, 38 x 600s Ha and 13 x 900s OIII (30 flats each, 50 Bias). Data Capture via Maxim DL (CdC and EQMOD), ST4 guiding using Lodestar through finderscope via PHD, Calibration and stacking in DSS, registered in Registar, post processing (levels, curves, Hi pass filter) in CS5 and mapped Ha to Red and OIII to Blue. False Green channel created using Noel's actions. Ha captured 14th and 16th February, OIII captured 2nd March 2013
  24. AndyUK

    M45 LRGB (Denoise)

    From the album: Atik 314L+

    Borg 77ED (0.85x Reducer), 27 x 300s L, 12 x 300s each RGB (30 flats each filter, 50 Bias). Data Capture and Guiding via Maxim DL (CdC and EQMOD), Calibration and stacking in DSS, Post Processing (levels, curves, Hi pass filter) in CS5, with Noels actions, Gradient Xterminator and Noise Ninja applied 5th and 10th December 2012
  25. AndyUK

    IC5070 Ha

    From the album: Atik 314L+

    Borg 77ED (0.85x Reducer), 10 x 900s Ha (30 flats, 50 Bias). Data Capture and Guiding via Maxim DL (CdC and EQMOD), Calibration and stacking in Maxim DL, Post Processing (levels, curves, Hi pass filter, denoise) in CS5. 29th November 2012
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