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Marvin Jenkins

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Posts posted by Marvin Jenkins

  1. Don’t want to beat an empty drum but thought I would attach these pictures. Well before the time of everyone having tracking. And I am yet to see better images despite the advances in technology! If you feel you have done better then post and compare, taking into consideration they were using 35mm film and the delay in seeing the results.



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  2. On 07/11/2019 at 16:55, ollypenrice said:

    I'm another in France, in the normally sunny south east where Provence meets the rising Alps. It has now been raining for three weeks! Well, not non stop. We collected about 30 hours of deep sky data in the last fortnight but that's way below par.



    Sorry, didn’t mean to leave you out. I have seen plenty of your work product and you need no help from a relative beginner. I wasn’t deliberately leaving you out but you are well established on here, and for good reason, your Astro pics are amazing.

    I am going on a bit of a road trip next year, so perhaps I could knock on your door and say hello. Never been to Provence or near the Alps. 


  3. My skies are ok about a B4 as I am in the countryside without neighbours. My nearest small village is three kilometres away and the street lights are turned off at midnight, which is great.

    I do however have some light pollution to my south and west thanks to large towns about twenty five k’s away. All in all I can’t complain as I see some of the inner city back gardens some people on here have to use and I count myself lucky.

    I have a mountain range about 100k to my south and if I can see it during the day then conditions are normally amazing. Big problem at the moment is it will not stop raining.

    Now how about that bird?

  4. Steviebee, roughly where in the Lot? I have this strange idea for a southwest star party some time in the future. Nothing heavily organized but just a meeting of minds somewhere in the dark at first.

    Never know where these can go. There is a group of astronomers that did an outreach around St Maurin, Puymirol, nearest big town Agen which I missed. I intend to get get in contact with these local star gazers and find out if there is a club. If any expats are interested in getting together then contact me direct on here. A little networking maybe be a good thing.


  5. Hi Rick. Welcome on board. There are few people on here that are Living in France, Fozzy Bear and Biko to name two. I have to say I haven’t visited the Audi but it does look like we are all sharing the same universal weather.

    I am in Tarn et Garonne, on the tri boarder between T and G, Lot and Lot et Garonne. See you around the forum.


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  6. Many of you may already know about this but I have just stumbled across this on the British Astronomical Society web site, britastro.org.

    I have always been in awe of past astronomers that did astrophotography in the film era and even more mad, glass plate, Mr Hubble!

    One of the main headings on the home page is about a large archive of images that are being digitised from our past and I have to say they are astounding.

    Please have a look as this seems to be a treasure box of delights and at a minimum we owe it to the people that came before us. Perhaps there are some observers on here that may have known some of the earlier imagers?


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  7. Just thought I would add a correction to the speed of light v distance of planets question. If the light in question is going to be seen from anywhere in France between midday and two pm then you need to add two hours to the time taken. (Nothing happens at lunch time)

    After lunch time, time travels at half speed till 3 pm and you need to take into account the recent clock change and also I am one hour ahead.

    No wonder I am confused.

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  8. Just got online and noticed your post. I saw the crescent moon before dark with a bright star below and thought it must have been Jupiter.

    Weather here has been rubbish, but this evening there were clear patches. I went out with the DSLR, 200mm lens and tripod and the battery died on me.

    On charge for an hour whilst eating dinner and then total cloud cover. Just taken the dogs up the lane and the sky is opening up again! No moon though this late.

    Teach me a valuable lesson about being ready with the kit. Spare battery is now on the ever lengthening list.


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