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Everything posted by Matzi

  1. Well I never really had any previous problems with focusing using a Bahtoniv mask. But being all new to that CCDinspect software, I did get this result from using all 23 images combined.
  2. Focused on the blue, what do you mean by that? I used a Bahtinov mask, and focused on the yellow star Pollux, all the spikes were perfectly alligned.
  3. I figured out how to use the CCDinspector, to inspect my subs, not sure if I used it correctly, but I'll upload the results I found.
  4. I was in perfect focus before I started, but maybe focus shifted. I imaged another target for 40 mins before this one. So slewing, cables hitting the focus knobs during slewing, slight temperature change might have changed iy.
  5. If it's only a focus problem, I'm relieved, but wouldn't focus affect ALL stars, including those in the middle?
  6. I couldn't find the trial version, I downloaded it, installed it. And it let me use it once. Then it couldn't open cause it said I need to buy a license..
  7. I heard that this telescope, reducer fitted with a DSLR dosen't need any spacing, as it fits directly, even FLO said this to me. Again I used a Nikon D5300 with this exact setup with no issues. Actually I'm on it right now to see.
  8. But coma with a reducer/field flattener dosen't make sense? All my subs are like this, stars are fine in a "circle" around the middle, but everything outside this "circle" and the stars are looking like this. When I did some flats awhile ago, which are now deleted, as I deemed them unusable, they clearly showed a circle in the middle of the image, which makes sense with the stars in the light subs.
  9. Here's a single stretched, non-calibrated sub. But guiding was between 0.50-0.80" RMS
  10. But still wouldn't guiding affect ALL stars, and not just those around the corners?
  11. I've been noticing some weird looking stars, all around the edges and corners of my last two images. I tried to figure out what it could be, but spacing shouldn't be the issue with this, as I see tons of people using pretty much same setup, just different DSLR cam. Also I tried the same setup with a Nikon D5300 with no issues at all. My setup is: SW Evostar 80ED 0.85x SW Reducer/Field Flattener First Light Optics Nosepiece Nikon D5600a SW Heq5 Pro mount Please zoom in on the image to really see the star shapes.
  12. Hi guys So I've imaged IC 1805 over 3 seperate nights, getting a total of 6 hours of integration time (60x360 sec subs), using my STC Astro Duo-Narrowband Filter. I've tried to bring out the blue from the OIII, using different methods, and techniques, and in PS and PI, but nothing really brings out the blue in my image. I was aiming at a HOO image kinda like this: https://www.astrobin.com/209354/C/?nc= Even tried simulating the Hubble-Palette, which normal easily bring out the blue, and then some green, but even that didn't work. I did get the famous golden color though, but that's it. So hopefully someone here can help me? Gear used: SW Evostar 80ED SW Heq5 Pro Rowan Belt modded mount Nikon D5600a STC Astro Duo-Narrowband Filter Bortle 4 backyard Stacked in APP, processed in Pixinsight & Photoshop. I've attached the image from my best try in this topic:
  13. Hi all. First of all, can you extract HA from OIII in DSS, as you can do in APP and PI?, my license ran out on both APP and PI, so I have to stack with DSS right now, as I can't afford a renewal at the moment. Also if yes, I'm curious on how you color map them in PS, let's say R=100% Ha, G=100% OIII B=85% OIII and 15% Ha? I have Noel Carboni's action tool, but not sure how to properly do that. Probably should say I used a Nikon D5600a, and a STC Astro Duo-Narrowband filter. Best regards, Mats
  14. Too bad they're doublets, I mean so many telescopes nowadays are doublets, unless it's a new and improved system of doublets, with good quality optics, and fast f ratio. I don't mind triplets either, but given that the Esprit series don't have any dedicated reducers, they could make some for these. I'd love if these were Petzval quadruplets or something, as more brands are starting to make.
  15. Exactly! And I'm glad you really love yours, I'm in no hurry getting one of these just yet, I just wanted to explore the options there were with these filters. I've just seen a ton of nice images done with the Optolong L-eNhance (Same price as the AA's triband), and with the STC Duo-narrowband, which is a bit more pricey, but also at 10nm Ha/OIII to compare. And to be honest, so far only your images has impressed me, compared to the other ones I've seen on the AA FB page, so not a lot to go on from there. I'd just wish they'd make a 6nm Ha/OIII or something like that, that wouldn't be too expensive! lol
  16. But don't get me wrong Stace, it's still stunning images, and definately the best images I've seen with the AA triband filter! But spending money on a filter, you really want to find the one that matches what one is looking for
  17. But wouldn't the dual band filters have trouble with the OIII during full moon as well? The Optolong L-eNhance, Idas NB1 and AA's filters are all above 20nm OIII?
  18. Sure a mono is better, but when talking about OSC I was still wondering that in theory shooting with seperate filters should yield better results, and as you could control which bandpass you would need more data on, compared to the other. Also the fact in this case, the Baader 7nm Ha and 8.5nm OIII is way more narrow compared to AA's new tri/quad filters. I'm not sure about the IDAS NB1 filter, but AA's filter is the most broad filter out there, (35nm OIII) compared to others. So I'm kinda surprised Stacey gets better results with this one filter. Now I don't wanna sound arrogant or as if I'm not listening, but the results done by the STC Duo-narrowband or the Optolong L-eNhance (Optolong L-eNhance which cost about the same as the AA's filters) just seems superior. But maybe it's still to soon to say.
  19. The only thing that keeps me away from buying these triband filters is the fact most of them have a very broad band of Ha and especially OIII. The OPT's Quad filter is 4nm Ha, SII and OIII, but waaaaay to expensive! The STC Asto Duo-Narrowband is 10nm Ha and OIII, so comparing the specs and price, and of course the results, the STC just seems to be the best of the value. BUT I must admit, with these duo/tri and quad filters, you can't really control the amount of Ha/OIII coming through, some targets emit much more Ha, and some OIII, and right now I have a Baader 7nm Ha, and a 8.5nm OIII, which kinda allows me to do more data on Ha, or OIII seperately, depending on the target. But I was really facinated about the idea about capturing both Ha/OIII at the same time, only having to stack once, and process that one. Also it comes out "color" which I think is kinda cool, but I still believe you get a lot more detail from shooting seperately.
  20. I'm starting to wonder if I use my Baader 7nm Ha, and 8.5 nm OIII, if that will yield better results, than a duo/tri filter...
  21. Well I live in Denmark, so I bet we have pretty similar annoying bright nights at summertime right now. Is the veil nebula at it's peak at this northern location right now, or can it still be imaged when fall arives, and darker nights? My backyard is a Bortle Class 4, 20.97 SQM, so hopefully that'll help as well. Do you know if the Tri and Quad filter is at the same price right now? I do hope for some better images done with the Quad arrives, because so far the tri-filter looks best. But looking forward to see your finished image with this one @Adam J I get your point, so a duo-narrowband filter would work best for an OSC/DSLR? But what about the Hb in the Triad, or SII in the Quad, won't they make some sort of improvement in the structual details in a nebula, compared to a duo?
  22. Hi Adam, yes my bad, APP can only seperate HA and OIII
  23. Hi StaceStar! I did see your image here on the AA FB page just an hour ago, and I must admit it is the most promising image I've seen there yet! There were also one done with the quad filter, on the Cresent nebula, but that really didn't impress me. I don't know if it was due to some sort of problems, or bad processing. But I'd really like to know the nanometer values on each narrowband wavelengths (I know this probably don't matter much, it's the images the filters help produce in the end) But I always like to compare stuff on papers, and then the images they produce afterwards. I'm really looking forward to see your final results on your image with the triad filter!
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