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Everything posted by Matzi

  1. Hi StaceStar! I did see your image here on the AA FB page just an hour ago, and I must admit it is the most promising image I've seen there yet! There were also one done with the quad filter, on the Cresent nebula, but that really didn't impress me. I don't know if it was due to some sort of problems, or bad processing. But I'd really like to know the nanometer values on each narrowband wavelengths (I know this probably don't matter much, it's the images the filters help produce in the end) But I always like to compare stuff on papers, and then the images they produce afterwards. I'm really looking forward to see your final results on your image with the triad filter!
  2. APP can actually seperate them, but then again what for? Surely you can process each narrowband wavelength as if they were done from a mono with individual filters, but then why not just use a mono cam? Except you can capture this data using just one filter though. And you can always simulate a SHO with this. And yes I know SNR is a lot better on a mono, so there's that. But I don't really like the broad OIII/Hb on the dual and triads. OPT's Quad filter is the only with true narrow wavelengths at 4nm on Ha, SII and OIII. I think it's still a great invention for those people who are fighting light polluted skies, have a fighting chance for some decent AP, and with narrowband quality in their images. When I bought my 7nm Ha, and 8.5nm OIII it was before these duo/triad filters came out, and right now I kinda wish I had bought one of these instead, to simpify things.
  3. I agree, it definately would act as a great super/master luminance for mono cams! But it does indeed show narrowband quality, even with OSC/DSLR, you can tell a huge difference between normal RGB, and the use of either tri/quad filter. Also it helps a lot of people dealing with a high light pollution, but in my case my backyard is Bortle Class 4, so I'd imagine it would look even better. I own a Baader 2" 7nm HA, and a Baader 2" 8.5nm OIII filter, but getting those narrowband details in one image, AND not having to deal with 3 different stacks, but your image comes out as instant HOO is kinda nice. The narrowest Triad filter out there is 4nm HA, OII, and 5nm HB. But I know you can actually isolate the HA, SII, and OIII, not sure about the Hb in APP, and I can't really see what the Hb is doing for the images, at least not colorwise, but I do see more structual details in nebulae with these filters, compared to Duo/or single NB filters, I'm not sure why, if it's the Hb that helps with that, of if it is just me.
  4. It could sound as it is a competitor to the Optolong L-eNhance and the OPT Triad, but I can't read at which nm each individual NB is at? I couldn't find it either on the Optolong, but a friend of mine told me it is at 12-13nm of Ha, hb and OIII, whilst the OPT is down at 4nm Ha, and OIII, 5nm Hb, but it is also a whole lot more pricier!
  5. I did hear about Altair Astro producing some too, but I've searched for them without any luck? I'm having a bit of a hard time seeing a big difference between the quality in the images, but considering the Optolong L-enhance is 4x as cheap as the OPT, you probably get most value for the money there? The Optolong L-enhance is what 12-13nm of Ha, Hb and OIII, while the OPT Triad is 4 nm Ha, OIII, 5nm Hb? So it should have some difference in detail there? As for the red color dominating the images, well it's quite simple, most nebulae consist mostly of Hydrogen Alpha, and it's of the red color, but HOO and even processing in SHO is possible, I've seen a couple of SHO images from these filters as well. But I agree Trevor Jones is not the most "trusted" critiq out there.
  6. Hi I'm seriously considering buying one of those new triad/tri narrowband filters for DSLR/OSC cameraes out there. So far I'm only aware of two existing, the relatively cheap Optolong L-eNhance, and the expensive OPT Multiband Triad. Are there any others on the marked than those two? And is there a huge difference in the quality of images when using either one, since the OPT Triad costs 4x times as much as the L-eNhance? -Mats
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