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Everything posted by Concretedan

  1. Hi All, I would like to do some wide field photography using my Hypercam 183C and the Hypercam camera lens adapter mounted on my EQ6R. Does anyone have any recommendations for a wide angle lens please? I don't want to go and spend loads of money maybe £200. Any suggestions welcome. Thanks
  2. Would this create the mist effect and prevent the flats from working their magic?
  3. Hi There, There were 89 subs at 45 seconds Thanks
  4. Hi All, Just some further information for you regarding camera settings, my setup, etc. EQ6R Pro, Altair Starwave ED102, Hypercam 183C, ZWO120 Mini (but I'm not yet guiding), Sharpsky Pro for focus and dew My camera settings were below; [ALTAIRH183C(USB2.0)] Debayer Preview=On Output Format=FITS files (*.fits) Capture Area=2720x1824 Binning=2x2 Pan=0 Tilt=0 Colour Space=RAW12 Fan=On Temperature=18.5 Black Level=24 USB Speed=0 Auto Exp Target=75 Frame Rate Limit=Maximum Analogue Gain=980 Exposure=44972.586 Timestamp Frames=Off Banding Threshold=35 Banding Suppression=0 Apply Flat=None Subtract Dark=None #Black Point Display Black Point=0.00390625 #MidTone Point Display MidTone Point=0.01390625 #White Point Display White Point=0.0340571157260216 TimeStamp=2019-08-23T20:43:53.2940062Z SharpCapVersion=3.2.6062.0 Please let me know if I need to provide any other details for some advice. Thanks very much all. M101 Rev 001 27.03.20.TIF
  5. Hi, That's very helpful. I'll update the post and upload a TIFF. Cheers mate
  6. Hi All, I'm still new to astrophotography and learning all the time but I need some advice if possible please? Could you have a look at the image below and tell, if you can, what the misting and black spots may be please? Every time I try and brighten the image using GIMP (moving the curves line to the top left) it highlights this misting and the spots. I am taking darks, flats, etc. as per the instructions on the Sharpcap website. As I said I'm new to all this really so please be gentle with me! Any advice gratefully received. Thank you.
  7. Hi All, After becoming thoroughly fed up with this hobby, after what seems like never ending cloud cover and wind over the past few months, I took a pair of binoculars up to the car park at Steeple on Monday night and realised why I stick it out! The seeing was incredible and selling my gear was the furthest from my mind! I am still amazed that most people ignore what is 50% of our landscape. I just wanted to wish you all well for the coming year, keep looking up, clear skies and above all, be happy. Dan
  8. Yeah definitely up for that when the outlook improves
  9. Hi All, I've not been star gazing that long but all this cloud is getting ridiculous! Anyone had any clear nights recently? Or does anyone know a special cloud dance we could do? I'm starting to forget how to set everything up! All the best, Dan
  10. Hi Matt, Welcome to the group. As the nights draw in I'm sure we'll arrange a meet up soon for some observing and a bit of a laugh... If the rain ever stops!! Cheers, Dan
  11. Nice. Glad you had a good one. The seeing last night was fantastic. As soon as I went outside in the garden the sky just lit up, even with my light polluted skies, but alas, the scope stayed tucked in as I had to be up very early for work! Not clear until Sunday now I think. Oh well never mind!
  12. Think that was a good shout mate. Looked like some sea mist rolled in last night from where I am in Hamworthy and Creech, being quite high, would have been covered I reckon. Not sure how long it stayed though.
  13. Sorry Kev, won't make it tonight as the missus has pulled rank. Have a great evening.
  14. Hi All, Took this last night and I'm quite happy with it! I'm new to astrophotography and it's a steep learning curve but I'm enjoying the challenge!
  15. Hi all, It's been a busy year and what seems like a long summer! The nights are starting to draw in now so I will be unpacking my gear very shortly. If there are any plans for a meet up soon I would very much like to come along! Cheers, Dan
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